Getting back to the kabuki clones, today I received 2 of the new vvtf ( might as well be wtf) nautilus/kabuki RBA decks, the version 2. The machining is much better, the juice channels are larger. You are still limited to wires 26g (possibly) or thinner. I decided to start with a simple 2mm ID (2.5 mm would be max)9 wraps 30g SS wire. Installing the coil is an exercise in patience, I'm pretty certain the Dalai Lama would've started cussing about 10 minutes in the process. Honestly, dragging naked in broken glass would have been more enjoyable. The build deck is minuscule, the retaining screws are microscopic. I'm not exaggerating, it is the honest truth. I would love to post pictures but I don't have a dissection microscope handy. It is very difficult to change coils in this thing. The positive side is that they do fit perfectly in the kabuki without any changes. How does it vape? you ask....well maybe not, but it vapes nice, no dry hits. Wicking is a little easier than the v1, but installing the coils in v1 was easier, relatively speaking. My good fortune is that among my hobbies I do micro chain maille , otherwise I would not have spent the time required to get this thing working. As if this is not enough, I am planning to try a 2 strand twisted 30g wire coil next followed by a clapton coil. I can not give a fair idea of the flavor since I've been using the Alleria today we will see in the morning, after my taste buds get a respite. I will get back with more impressions on this.