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Nitecore i2 charger improvement

Mike H.

Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
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I bought a little volt gauge from fasttech and it seems its a bit too big to use in my hammond G box so, i figured i would maybe improve my i2 charger a bit.

We all know the i2 is a no bells and whistles model and its just plain boring to watch blinking lights.

Well, i think im going to add this volt meter to one bay and order another one for the other bay to spruce it up a bit...would be nice to see what voltage it stops charging at and just make it more fun to use...I also hope to use it as a just a volt meter to check batteries when im not charging with it.

So this will a be a "how to" of sorts for anyone interested in doing the same thing.

The plan is to remove the back cover of the charger and do this the proper way with soldering to the inside positive and negatives the battery connects to while charging and, make cut outs to allow the volt meters to sit flush on the top cover for display just above the existing lights.

Here is the volt gauge i picked up from fasttech for less than $ puts out a really nice and bright red LCD display.
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