I figured out that when having a 5 loop braid there are so many different ways and outcomes.
Vertabraid is ok, however I feel like I get not a better vape, but closer to my golden standard and even sometimes surpassing my go to staple build.
Imo, the flatter the braid the better. The reason braid is so much better than twisted wire is because the surface area on flat braided coils is by far more than twisted, the crevices in braided coils are deeper, and more numerous that that of a twisted build, allowing for superior wicking. Honestly the only real drawback is the fact that it's a bitch up wick because the wire is not very cooperative. But with practice, your braided builds should look better when they're full of cotton. My braided builds look much better when there wicked right. The braid seems to hug the contours of the cotton forcing it will wick inside your build.
So braid vape different. You can tell the difference in a vertabraid coil and my personal favorite 8 loop Celtic, or reverse fishtail flat braid.
I'm extremely thankful and must keep a positive attitude in order to progress in life. I'm dealing with allot, and honestly thought it was too much to handle.... But it was not.
Out of all the bull crap I been through this month with my landlord err... Slum Lord I thought that would be all she wrote. Then, my friend, and my nurse at my therapist died suddenly so I had to attend the funeral Saturday. I started to blame God and let my landlord make me bitter and miserable like she is.
I'll never stop so long as I'm praying each night for forgiveness, and try harder every day to become a better version of myself. I will and have learned so much about myself on this journey. That being said, it's never easy. I'm not the type of person that has luck, or life lends an easy card to. No complaints from me though. I just have to keep trudging along doing my AA, group therapy, stay on top of my therapy, and keep all appointments. I am still learning, infact, I think I'll be a lifetime student to learning how to live a better worthwhile life.
I love you guys. You guys helped me when I was just a newb fucking with my indestructible RDA. That's why I stay on here. I'm not on here much because I found a place for diy, but this is my vape home.
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