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Is there a count on how many different drugs on the market?

Has to be in the millions?


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Pretty much SSDD. I did manage to burn the last three months of garbage, but it took 14 trips of the wheelbarrow to get it all out there. The body hurts and I am still very tired, but hell, what else is new?
No bull-run for the heffer?


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I have to get to bed...early appointment tomorrow..:sad:

Have a great Monday (if there is such a thing)..........:)


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Well that's where the money is....make billions killing people.
Well, isn't every job actually aimed at making money? Doctors don't want to cure you because you won't need to come back if they do, then how do they make their Mercedes payment? Drugs companies need you to keep buying their product. Car companies no longer make cars that last past the warranty period. Our entire society today is based on "when it breaks, throw it away and buy a new one." No one wants to "fix" anything anymore. It is no wonder the garbage pits and graveyards are full to the max.


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Well, isn't every job actually aimed at making money? Doctors don't want to cure you because you won't need to come back if they do, then how do they make their Mercedes payment? Drugs companies need you to keep buying their product. Car companies no longer make cars that last past the warranty period. Our entire society today is based on "when it breaks, throw it away and buy a new one." No one wants to "fix" anything anymore. It is no wonder the garbage pits and graveyards are full to the max.


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How is Rich this evening?

I just finished working about an hour ago, I'll finish today's work tomorrow.........:cry:

Was a damn nice day tho...bout 70ish


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How is Rich this evening?
Was a damn nice day tho...bout 70ish
Tired as hell. But what else is new? o_O
The day started cloudy with about 20mph wind, but managed to get sunny and really low wind, but we still only got up to mid 30s. Oh well...


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Tired as hell. But what else is new? o_O
The day started cloudy with about 20mph wind, but managed to get sunny and really low wind, but we still only got up to mid 30s. Oh well...
I'm tired as hell too...worked all weekend, then inspected a 10,000 sf house today.....I'd rather inspect a 1,000,000 sf commercial building than all the shit they pack into one of these fucking shacks.


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inspected a 10,000 sf house today..
Wow. That's about 8,800 sq.ft. bigger than my house. Here, if you are in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and want to change your mind, you have to go out in the living room or you'll crash into a wall. :)


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Why anyone would want something like that is beyond me....some guy who owns a large company on the stock exchange, I'm sure it's pocket change to him.


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I gotta get the hell out of here, need to do a zillion things tomorrow.......:sad:


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What's happening man....?

Not much going on here....finished yesterday's work this morning and called it a day.


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What's happening man....?
SSDD... again.
High temp today was 31.5 with light snow in the morning and evening. Hope it stops before there is more than a dusting on the ground or it might make the cow trip tomorrow harder. Supposed to be single-digit temps next week.


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SSDD... again.
High temp today was 31.5 with light snow in the morning and evening. Hope it stops before there is more than a dusting on the ground or it might make the cow trip tomorrow harder. Supposed to be single-digit temps next week.
Snows every time you plan the trip....doesn't it?


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How scary their customers are depends on which wally world I go to. Spearfish customers seem to have some class while Rapid City customers are weirder than hell.


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How scary their customers are depends on which wally world I go to. Spearfish customers seem to have some class while Rapid City customers are weirder than hell.
Yeah I've often wondered the same thing. The walmart is not far from my house and it's in a decent neighborhood, I've never seen the people at walmart walking in the streets or gas stations round here....perhaps they make a special trip to this store, maybe things are easier to steal?


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I have heard that many walmarts won't prosecute even if they see you stealing. Something about the court costs being more than the merchandise.


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I have heard that many walmarts won't prosecute even if they see you stealing. Something about the court costs being more than the merchandise.
No idea....but I noticed a lot of the strawberry packages only had about half left in the boxes....I assume people just walk by, grab a couple, walk eating away.


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I couldn't believe what I saw flying across the freeway, a flock of Pelicans....never seen a pelican here in my life.


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We have enough seagulls that got blown over here by Pacific storms and stayed at local lakes so they have renamed them Prairie Gulls.


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Well I need to get out of here, have a busy day ahead tomorrow prospecting....:)

Have a good one...!


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Did you get the cow to the sperm donor?

At oh-dark-thirty, when Lannie let the dog out for morning pee, she said it was 17 ºF with wind gusts to about 50 mph. I don't know if she was putting me on, but I also have no reason to doubt her. That puts the chill factor at -7 F. Luckily, the wind went down a bit. When we took Morgaine over to Pine Creek Ranch to visit her boyfriend, it was 19 ºF and about 20 mph (chill +3 ºF). The cow seemed to be listening to rock moo-zik (well, it was a gravel road) :) because she was dancing all over the trailer. Made for lots of bouncy bouncy. When we unloaded her and started to drive out, I thought Lannie was gonna cry because Morgaine stood at the fence, watching us leave, with a very sad expression. She'd rather be with family than spend a week with some damn bull. Wind continued to drop and we hit a high for the day of 26 ºF.


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Global Warming is Catching a Cold

The obvious assumption to man-made global warming, or what they have been calling climate change for the last few years, is that it is going to be warmer, dangerously so. It is not supposed to get colder when we are facing possible extinction from heat. Yet that is exactly what is happening. All the huffing and puffing from the media and so called climate scientists cannot change the facts, the reality on the ground.

Coldest December temperature on record in Alaska. Not just for the day, but for the entire month. The temperature in Bettles, Alaska, dropped to -60°F on Friday (Dec 27). That’s the coldest December temperature on record ever in Bettles, tied with Dec 15, 1946.

Driven by cold temperatures, the frozen section of China’s Yellow River in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has reached 559.9 km (348 miles) as of Jan. 3.

How can global warming explain that GREENLAND JUST SET A NEW ALL-TIME RECORD-LOW TEMPERATURE. Greenland just set a new all-time record low temperature. Not only for January 2, not only for the entire month of January, not only at Summit Station, but for anywhere across the island, and for any month of the year.

DELHI, INDIA JUST EXPERIENCED ITS COLDEST DECEMBER DAY SINCE RECORDS BEGAN OVER A CENTURY AGO. And this is just the beginning of the grand solar minimum that NASA is telling us about. So what we are seeing on the ground is record breaking cold not heat. ANTERO, COLORADO SUFFERS A RECORD-BREAKING -40F [OR COLDER] READINGS IN DECEMBER.

Today marks the sun’s 40th consecutive spotless day. This means earth’s host star has now been blank for 277 days in 2019 so far (or 78%) — a new Space Age Record. At the same time cosmic rays are reaching record highs and the magnetic-field strength around the earth is declining rapidly.

Yes Australia is burning literally to a crisp but that is about the only place on earth showing what looks like global warming. Australia’s <20 wildfire fatalities since October 2019 continue to dominate the headlines yet the numbers simply don’t compare to the cold-related deaths occurring in other regions of the planet. Recently, at least 50 people have died in Bangladesh alone as extreme cold weather sweeps that country.


Isn’t it funny that 25+ LOCATIONS ACROSS SOUTH AUSTRALIA HAVE JUST SUFFERED THEIR COLDEST JANUARY DAYS EVER — The mainstream media is certainly quiet about this.

Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bush-fires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame “climate change” for the disaster. The fires have caused at least 18 deaths, destroyed thousands of homes, millions of hectares of land and killed hundreds of millions of animals.

A November report from the Kansas City Fed tells a woeful tale of farming in the Midwest, ravaged by late snows at the start of the year, then floods when all that snow thawed in the spring, and now early snows in the fall along with all those Chinese tariffs on agricultural goods. Farmers just couldn’t catch a break throughout 2019.

This year will be remembered as the “harvest from hell,” said farmer John Guelly, chairman of the Alberta Canola industry group. Heavy snow and rain during harvest have left several million acres of canola, renowned as Canada’s most profitable crop, buried until spring.

There is already too much news about rising food prices and declining agricultural production but I will not report on that until that news hits the mainstream. THE MERCURY IN SKARDU, PAKISTAN PLUNGES TO A RECORD-BREAKING -21C (-5.8F).


ICELAND’S EMIGRATION CENTER DISAPPEARS UNDER SNOW: “WE’VE NEVER BEFORE HAD SNOW ON THIS SCALE. This is the headline that goes with the image on top and they are not alone. Massive amounts of snow is hitting the northern hemisphere and there is a small patch of snow that never melted in Great Britain.


RECORD-HIGH SNOWPACK BLANKETS THE UNITED STATES. The Lower 48’s snowpack is the most extensive on record for early December — an impossibility under the global warming theory.

Yet we read the ridiculous statement in Yahoo News, “People who deny or downplay climate change are broiling themselves and everyone else alive.” So what should we say about man-made global warming CO2 blind believers who do not think reality is something to study?


Clifford F. “Cliff” Mass is a long-standing professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington said, “There is a special place in the underworld for those who promote anxiety, desperation, and terror in the most vulnerable. A place where the infernal warmth is particularly torrid. And one does not have to spend much time looking for candidates for this netherworld — the front page of the Seattle Times will do fine. On Sunday, our local tabloid featured a story about fearful/desperate folks dealing with their apocalyptic fears about climate change.”

History Lesson

As the solar activity turned down, volcanic activity began to rise. The Byzantine historian Procopius wrote: “For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during the whole year.” Temperatures in the summer plummeted creating the coldest decade in the past 2300 years. Snow fell as far east as China during the summer causing starvation as crops failed. The Irish chronicles recorded that “a failure of bread from the years 536–539” took place.

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