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On Memorial Day


Excellence In Service
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We just wanted to say: Remember On Memorial Day ! Thank you to all of our veterans past and present. Especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice , their lives ! Condolences to their families and friends. Thank you for your service ! Without people like you this country would not be the great free place that it is! Enjoy the weekend!
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Im sorry, maybe this is just me being an Ahole, but today isnt the day to thank a veteran. Today is a day to remember those that have fallen. A day to remember our brothers in arms that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Those of us who are alive have Veterans day.


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Im sorry, maybe this is just me being an Ahole, but today isnt the day to thank a veteran. Today is a day to remember those that have fallen. A day to remember our brothers in arms that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Those of us who are alive have Veterans day.
Well said


Excellence In Service
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Guys, I didn't say this in the beginning because I didn't want this to be about me. I am a former Marine Corps Tank Mechanic. I was being polite and courteous by making that post. All veterans should be thanked all of the time in my opinion. It's not something everyone does in their lifetime. However, besides those who were drafted back in the day, it was our choice to join and serve! It was a path WE chose, not one someone chose for us I know I joined knowing I could die for my country and family. I didn't join for school, money, food and shelter ! What I should have mentioned above was a special remembrance and prayer to the fallen and their families. Don't forget the families, they live every day suffering the loss of their loved one.


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memorial day isn;t a happy day its about remembering those who passed in service to their country


Excellence In Service
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I'm not going to get caught up in arguments here. It was with good intentions. So it's not about being right or wrong at least I thought enough of my fellow servicemen past, present, future and deceased to make an Honorary Post !


Excellence In Service
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Okay, some points well taken, so I edited it. It was still meant with the best of intentions! Hope this makes everyone comfortable now.

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