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People that piss you off!


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ECF Refugee
Ok...I am conducting an experiment...I have hidden a post DEEP within the a place she has most likely never been....will she find it?


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ECF Refugee
I do not doubt it. I am a hard lady to put up with
You are from OHIO are a are under enjoy vooping......WHAT GIVES YOU THAT IDEA????
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lol I'm from ohio and I'm 25 and I do enjoy a voop ain't no shame


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Lol no I thought it was hysterical. You sir do not piss me off


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Dude the little bug freaks me out a lot I have to do a double take because sometimes i think it's real


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I'm just saying. If you're missing a limb I should get a discount. When you pay for a wank, they only have their left arm and they're right handed, do not expect top dollar.
That is slightly offensive I give a great lefty I've never had any complaints I am ambidextrous. Mostly right handed but that's just rude lol


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ECF Refugee
No here is another one.. Those hypocrite free speech fuckers who will go and scream and whine and protest about equality and free speech if it fits with their point of view.
so someone expressing their views, is screamed at, threatened and slandered by them but if you call the assholes out on them they scream about how you are oppressing them and their views.
The first amendment is for protection from Government actions, not an individual.
Like those who protest Chick-fil-a..
Or the WBC... just cause you can protest a funeral of a solider who died protecting your freedom to do so...your free speech is like shitting your pants.. just because you can and are able to does not mean you should.


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I, for one love @Fishee's bug. He wouldn't be the same without it.

My boss pisses me off because she's a fucking idiot. Her boss pisses me off because he's a bigger fucking idiot. I can't stand the sight of either of them.

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yep thats about right lol but who pisses me off more than that is the people who follow his every word like its god himself and give him his misplaced confidence. without them he is a nobody

I still can't believe that empty suit got elected the first time let alone the second , when that Gruber dude who was so involved with the health care bill said Americans are some stupid mother fuckers at least he got that one right , "wow".

I'm no republican either but Obama has disgraced and made the USA a complete joke starting with his apology tour . The thing that i'm most pissed about is the writing was spray painted on the wall in huge clear lettering before the first election and then even more so the second time around lol , and guess what , Americans had to prove once again that they clearly are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet .

Well done you jackasses.

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I, for one love @Fishee's bug. He wouldn't be the same without it.

My boss pisses me off because she's a fucking idiot. Her boss pisses me off because he's a bigger fucking idiot. I can't stand the sight of either of them.

Have you lost your fucking mind HB , that thing makes him even more intolerable than he already was, he must die , perish, expire ( feel free to use your own word for death here) as long as it means kill the fucker , we will deal with fishee's pet bug some other time.

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Hating just to hate is wrong , hating is not even an applicable term here actually , if you accept the way things are even when you know they are terrible because your afraid to be called a racist (God forbid) or your worried about people saying your a hater than you need to get the hell out of the " people with a backbone" line and into the "me too" line.

Speak the hell up and say it like it is , sure you will receive backlash by some , if someone can't take backlash and opposing opposition then they are just one of the millions already out there that allows things to remain the same despite how things are at the time .

Be proud and stand out from the crowds , separate yourself , and for Gods sake whatever you do , do not follow other people around , want to follow , follow yourself around if you feel a strong urge to start following .

It's like the USA doesn't produce people with backbone and guts anymore , everyone follows everybody else , what a joke. Grow some balls people , be an individual , stand out and make yourself heard , in other words be somebody and not somebody else .


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First and foremost, Pebo.

President Elect Barack Obama.

Our Turd in Chief

Followed by STD's

More later.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS, AND ONLY THIS.

If that asshole would just die, I would be a happy camper. Can we dump a shitload of banana peels all over the white house? Maybe he'll slip and fall and smash... er bump... his head.


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That is slightly offensive I give a great lefty I've never had any complaints I am ambidextrous. Mostly right handed but that's just rude lol

Well, you have both limbs and I am assuming you're not a hooker. Free is free. That's like bitching about a vape prize you didn't have pay for.

as for you being offended, I wasn't revering to you. I have not had one of your mystical magical and possibly mythical hand shakes. I will take your word for it. Good for you being a pitch hitter. ;-)


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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS, AND ONLY THIS.

If that asshole would just die, I would be a happy camper. Can we dump a shitload of banana peels all over the white house? Maybe he'll slip and fall and smash... er bump... his head.

You can not use any banana terms when referring to the President and the white house. That's racist. Why not just say you hope he chokes on his fried chicken or watermelon. Maybe he could drown in a vat of grape koolaid? Racist remarks are racist.


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Hating just to hate is wrong , hating is not even an applicable term here actually , if you accept the way things are even when you know they are terrible because your afraid to be called a racist (God forbid) or your worried about people saying your a hater than you need to get the hell out of the " people with a backbone" line and into the "me too" line.

Speak the hell up and say it like it is , sure you will receive backlash by some , if someone can't take backlash and opposing opposition then they are just one of the millions already out there that allows things to remain the same despite how things are at the time .

Be proud and stand out from the crowds , separate yourself , and for Gods sake whatever you do , do not follow other people around , want to follow , follow yourself around if you feel a strong urge to start following .

It's like the USA doesn't produce people with backbone and guts anymore , everyone follows everybody else , what a joke. Grow some balls people , be an individual , stand out and make yourself heard , in other words be somebody and not somebody else .
Speak it brother!


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dunno why, but the content of this thread makes me a little sad. so little tolerance for anyone anymore. that says a lot. :(
I find that most of the individuals that are being called out are people who have done other people wrong and more than one person knows that.
It's human nature to hate someone in some way. You may not say so, but in the back of your mind, someone's scratching at you and that's how everyone feels about atleast someone.


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You can not use any banana terms when referring to the President and the white house. That's racist. Why not just say you hope he chokes on his fried chicken or watermelon. Maybe he could drown in a vat of grape koolaid? Racist remarks are racist.
Only if your mind makes it racist... Just saying ;)


Vapid Vapetress
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I find that most of the individuals that are being called out are people who have done other people wrong and more than one person knows that.
It's human nature to hate someone in some way. You may not say so, but in the back of your mind, someone's scratching at you and that's how everyone feels about atleast someone.

i see your point, but i abhor mob mentality and that is what hate threads lead to. just sayin'...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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dunno why, but the content of this thread makes me a little sad. so little tolerance for anyone anymore. that says a lot. :(
There are things and situations that you are forced to tolerate in life, then there are situations that allow you to be intolerant. Being intolerant of bad government, bad behavior, bad policing, bad judicial policies, et cetera is needed, otherwise the bad things never get addressed and continue to grow worse.

I tolerate having charities come into my workplace and get the company's management to browbeat donations out of the employees because I need my job. I am highly intolerant of those charities on a personal level because of the strong arm tactics they employ to get businesses to cough up money by stroking the company's managers egos and making them put the screws to the employees. They won't get a dime from me as long as they use mafia like tactics to extort money from businesses and employees. It's become "pay up or we trash you in social media and hurt your sales". It's really no different than the mob sending in 2 guys to start a fight in a crowded family restaurant a few times to force the owner to pay protection money.


Vapid Vapetress
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There are things and situations that you are forced to tolerate in life, then there are situations that allow you to be intolerant. Being intolerant of bad government, bad behavior, bad policing, bad judicial policies, et cetera is needed, otherwise the bad things never get addressed and continue to grow worse.

I tolerate having charities come into my workplace and get the company's management to browbeat donations out of the employees because I need my job. I am highly intolerant of those charities on a personal level because of the strong arm tactics they employ to get businesses to cough up money by stroking the company's managers egos and making them put the screws to the employees. They won't get a dime from me as long as they use mafia like tactics to extort money from businesses and employees. It's become "pay up or we trash you in social media and hurt your sales". It's really no different than the mob sending in 2 guys to start a fight in a crowded family restaurant a few times to force the owner to pay protection money.

yep, ok. have fun then.

R3alJim Shady

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Fred Durst used to piss me off, but he went away so I'm okay with him now.

Customers at work piss me off, but only temporarily. It's not my fault you chose the Paleo/Atkins/Weight Watchers diet and can't have the donuts we sell in addition to a salad bar.

P.S. I liked you better when you were fat.

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There are things and situations that you are forced to tolerate in life, then there are situations that allow you to be intolerant. Being intolerant of bad government, bad behavior, bad policing, bad judicial policies, et cetera is needed, otherwise the bad things never get addressed and continue to grow worse.

I tolerate having charities come into my workplace and get the company's management to browbeat donations out of the employees because I need my job. I am highly intolerant of those charities on a personal level because of the strong arm tactics they employ to get businesses to cough up money by stroking the company's managers egos and making them put the screws to the employees. They won't get a dime from me as long as they use mafia like tactics to extort money from businesses and employees. It's become "pay up or we trash you in social media and hurt your sales". It's really no different than the mob sending in 2 guys to start a fight in a crowded family restaurant a few times to force the owner to pay protection money.
You have every right to be mad about that, if some charity walked into my work, asked for money and inbetween the lines they stated they'll rant about our business through every type of media, if we don't pay up, I'd be just as pissed.
It's not just us bitching about who piss us off, because in some situations, if we don't consent to what others want, they'll bitch about us, make us look horrible and ruin us.

Take my local vape shops for example..
They do charities bi-monthly, raising money for troops in other countries or gathering toys for children around Christmas time, I'm sure the shops love doing them, but if they turned down the charity they'd be discriminated against for not helping.
And they'd use the whole "vaping i/ bad" card just to burn them a little more.
That pisses me off.


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You can not use any banana terms when referring to the President and the white house. That's racist. Why not just say you hope he chokes on his fried chicken or watermelon. Maybe he could drown in a vat of grape koolaid? Racist remarks are racist.
Oh damn. I didn't think about that... I just assumed that it was slapstick, not racist.

Oh well... I'm not going to apologize. As a person considerably right of center, I get called racist pretty much all the time for all kind of lame reasons. I'm used to it. That charge is worn out.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Oh damn. I didn't think about that... I just assumed that it was slapstick, not racist.

Oh well... I'm not going to apologize. As a person considerably right of center, I get called racist pretty much all the time for all kind of lame reasons. I'm used to it. That charge is worn out.
Some people see racism and sexism no matter the statement or context. The moment we submit to others policing of language is the day we submit to political correctness and dilution of critical thought.

R3alJim Shady

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Some people see racism and sexism no matter the statement or context. The moment we submit to others policing of language is the day we submit to political correctness and dilution of critical thought.

THOSE people piss me off.

Just kidding.

But not really. ;)

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Oh damn. I didn't think about that... I just assumed that it was slapstick, not racist.

Oh well... I'm not going to apologize. As a person considerably right of center, I get called racist pretty much all the time for all kind of lame reasons. I'm used to it. That charge is worn out.

I was messing around with you lol. Everyone is considered racist now a days unless they fallow the coat tails of others.

Hey! it's just Ray...

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People who tell me I have to wear a seatbelt or helmet but are no where to be found when we're rolling pennies for dinner.

People who (so call) roll the window up and treat me like a panhandler because they're done talking and don't want to even hear what I gotta say.

People in the grocery stores with their shiny blue government dinner gift cards and shopping cart full of junk (With 200 dollar hairdos) while we're in line with (I hope) enough pennies for our dinner.

People with them blue cards clinched in their teeth while they loading there new Escalades with their free junk food.

(Don't get me wrong, we're doing better than almost ever at the moment and not going hungry here. It's just when I get a grudge on it's hard to shake it off and I know that's pissed off a few people but I'm cool with that.)

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Some people see racism and sexism no matter the statement or context. The moment we submit to others policing of language is the day we submit to political correctness and dilution of critical thought.

Bingo , political correctness my ass . Wants facts people , here you go lol, the people who criticize others for not being tolerant are actually the most intolerant fucking people on the Planet, period .

People who can read between the lines know this very well , thats why i find it so annoying , not everyone is an idiot even though are Government is convinced of it by continuing to complain about intolerance every chance they get , hey Gov , some of us can see right through all your bullshit and some clearly can't .

My recommendation is the next time you want to speak about intolerance, best to have somebody who doesn't live and breathe intolerance do it .

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I was messing around with you lol. Everyone is considered racist now a days unless they fallow the coat tails of others.

You telling me were not all racist then lol.

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