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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
God our Father,
Giver of life,
we entrust the United States of America to Your loving

You are the rock on which this nation was founded.
You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Reclaim this land for Your glory and dwell among Your

Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation's
Open their minds to the great worth of human life
and the responsibilities that accompany human freedom.
Remind Your people that true happiness is rooted in
and doing Your will.

Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate,
Patroness of our land,
grant us the courage to reject the "culture of death".
Lead us into a new millennium of life.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Our Kek who art in memetics
Hallowed by thy memes
Thy Trumpdom come
Thy will be done
In real life as it is on /pol/
Give us this day our daily dubs
And forgive us of our baiting
As we forgive those who bait against us
And lead us not into cuckoldry
But deliver us from shills
For thine is the memetic kingdom, and the shitposting, and the winning, for ever and ever.
Praise KEK


There is only one true God KEK and Pepe is his prophet.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Pay attention

Not just content with the visual aspects of the trick to making people believe the religious figure is back The Illuminati also want to use what is known as the Microwave Hearing Effect to make people hear voices which appear to be genuinely coming from within their own heads. Of course, the voices aren't really inside each's head. Also referred to as the Microwave Auditory Effect, it projects energy waves. Those energy waves are demodulated in to sound waves inside the ear so you can hear them but can't make out which direction they are coming from, cleverly tricking the individual. Think this is just fiction? You're wrong, there is even a patent for it, which is U.S. Patent number 6,470,214. This sort of thing is actually nothing new. Back in the 1990s the Government of the United States of America talked about using Project Blue Beam and the Microwave Hearing Effect in Iraq to project the image of Allah and make it appear as if he was talking to the Iraqi people. It has also been proposed to fake an alien invasion in order to help give the economy in the United States a little boost! Sounds crazy but it's true. The Illuminati Won't Definitely Use This Technology There is no guarantee that the The Illuminati will use this tech to trick the masses. They could even just say it plain as day and hope people believe them if they say that they are the true keepers of the Royal Secret, which is supposedly at the very top of the hierarchy of The Illuminati.



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Pay attention

Not just content with the visual aspects of the trick to making people believe the religious figure is back The Illuminati also want to use what is known as the Microwave Hearing Effect to make people hear voices which appear to be genuinely coming from within their own heads. Of course, the voices aren't really inside each's head. Also referred to as the Microwave Auditory Effect, it projects energy waves. Those energy waves are demodulated in to sound waves inside the ear so you can hear them but can't make out which direction they are coming from, cleverly tricking the individual. Think this is just fiction? You're wrong, there is even a patent for it, which is U.S. Patent number 6,470,214. This sort of thing is actually nothing new. Back in the 1990s the Government of the United States of America talked about using Project Blue Beam and the Microwave Hearing Effect in Iraq to project the image of Allah and make it appear as if he was talking to the Iraqi people. It has also been proposed to fake an alien invasion in order to help give the economy in the United States a little boost! Sounds crazy but it's true. The Illuminati Won't Definitely Use This Technology There is no guarantee that the The Illuminati will use this tech to trick the masses. They could even just say it plain as day and hope people believe them if they say that they are the true keepers of the Royal Secret, which is supposedly at the very top of the hierarchy of The Illuminati.

That is some scary stuff .

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That is some scary stuff .

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This is scary also...
Preface: My ex wife and I were seriously into Bible Prophecy.
When we attended a Bible Prophecy presentation I noticed something strange,
she was a biology student, worked at Papanicolaus Cancer Research
and was an avid reader and fan of Ayn Rand. Never-the-less at one of the presentations I noticed
she had basically gone into a trance state along with much of the rest of the audience.
Having studied hypnosis I got hip to what was going on immediately...
A couple of years later I ran into the following which confirmed my suspicions . It's too long to post here
but here is the link.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is scary also...
Preface: My ex wife and I were seriously into Bible Prophecy.
When we attended a Bible Prophecy presentation I noticed something strange,
she was a biology student, worked at Papanicolaus Cancer Research
and was an avid reader and fan of Ayn Rand. Never-the-less at one of the presentations I noticed
she had basically gone into a trance state along with much of the rest of the audience.
Having studied hypnosis I got hip to what was going on immediately...
A couple of years later I ran into the following which confirmed my suspicions . It's too long to post here
but here is the link.

Wow alott of ways to fuck you up . Obama was the master of the voice roll , farakaun is also very good at it you may hate what he says but you listen . I guess Hitler also mastered these techniques. It's not tinfoil hat stuff either it amazes me what our government has people working on . I worked on a base in Fredrick Maryland they were full time thinking up shit to kill everything from animals to vegetation to turning people's insides to goop . I mean that's all these guys did for their careers is fucking think up ways to kill and kill everything and kill people before they even knew it . Dedicated to death . We are a fucked up breed .
Lord have mercy on us all ! We really do not know what we do !

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