Thoughts for today:
Well court went about as well as I could've hoped. Grr that I can't pay by mail and have to drive, park, and walk half a mile to make my payments...or send a minion to do it for me.
Not getting paid to sit here at home and surf pinterest for a printable I need for work.
You never realize how badly you need new pillows until you buy a new one, bring it home and the 4 you've been using aren't as fluffy as the one new one you spent almost $20 on. Then you realize your insomnia will continue but at least you'll be comfier.
It is time to buy a new wallet (women's) when your old one starts spitting zipper teeth into your eye while you're trying to remove payment at the store.
Its time to buy a new men's wallet when the trifold is now a bifold because it fell apart that much.
I need to buy more small mailers for juice (as I stare at the pile of stuff on the dresser reclaimed from vape mail that I need to reuse).
I need to teach the cats how to sew.