Been vaping 6 plus years. JUST got into DIYing... As in, like, 3 days ago. Haha. Admittedly, I have no clue what I'm doing yet. But I am trying very hard to replicate the TMAXX No Frills Mls Strawberry Custard from Vaping.Watch. Granted, their juice is already cheap at 6 bucks per 30ml, but I cld make it cheaper if I figured it out! They also specifiy the reason why this is their economy line is because they are using only 2 flavors for a mix, as opposed to multiple flavors. My guess is it's a vanilla custard from any of the big flavoring companies, and then one of the kabillion strawberry flavors from all of the companies. My question is, which Vanilla Custard, and which Strawberry? And at what percentages? If anyone has tried this line of juice and can add in their 2 cents, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!