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Remember when??? Golden oldies


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Dude, somebody broke into my house years ago and all they stole was
a cedar cigar box with some stuff I can't mention in it and my old 8 track player
from the Mach1 which was sitting on a shelf next to the Timex Sinclair.

I still have a handful of 8 track cartridges.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
BTW, my ex wife took my VW and the 1966 Fender Mustang guitar when we divorced.
That's all she took...that and my heart


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nice the 428 was a monster

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428 would been too much. the 351 almost was...okay, not a Windsor engine but it rocked.
Blew out my oil filter when I put the pedal to the medal on Biscayne Blvd once.

When I got the VW I almost got a Charger...took it for a test drive around the block and pussied out..
Too much car for me then


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just remembered I have a receiver with built in 8 track player out on the porch.
Still works fine but missing a button.
I turn it on when the neighbors are being loud in their yard...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I had a 67 mustang guitar got stolen

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I loved the skinny neck on those..think I told you elsewhere, she gave it to St. Louis Catholic Church
where Neil Diamond who is a Jew attends with his catholic wife...
That's the only thing that peeves me about my ex who is now a Buddhist.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I do like to cook, and I have some of her recipe books, but no where near like she could with the ease in which she did it.
Caff is doing good, they had some really bad weather in his area and he was out of power for several days and had to look after his grand mom, but everything is good now.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I do like to cook, and I have some of her recipe books, but no where near like she could with the ease in which she did it.
Caff is doing good, they had some really bad weather in his area and he was out of power for several days and had to look after his grand mom, but everything is good now.

Cool. Yea, Julia was the master.
There a couple of dudes in New Orleans that do cajun very well, have their books too.
But Julia taught me to make an omellette, if not for her I'd have starved when I lived in Hogtown.
The woman could cook anything well, if you could handle her voice
it was fat city.

Good to hear..Hope he's stable.

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