This is a forum for adults, there will be cussing, there will be sexual innuendos.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster and have their posts removed from your forum experience.
1. Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)
2. No conversations about illegal drugs. illegal = USA federally illegal.
3. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated, including in a user name.
4. Only one user membership per person.
5. No posting of nudity/pornography - Offenses will be dealt with at staff discretion
6. No affiliate, referral links or hot linked memes, or pics are permitted. Also no raffles or charity funding are to be sold for profit or otherwise including GoFundMe links, and others. Please contact an Admin about legal 501c3, c6, etc Charity raffles or any other types.
7. No pictures or videos of TRUE violence against people or animals.
8. You are not allowed to post anyone's personal information. We take this very seriously, and offenses may result in a permanent ban.
9. All above rules also apply to your avatar pic.
10. Threads, and Posts must be in the appropriate sections. Please NO spamming outside the appropriate sections, this also includes Profile, PM, and Tag Spamming. Moderators will move or delete it, and issue warning points. If there is no appropriate section for your thread or post that is unrelated to vaping e-cigs then more then likely it does not belong in the forum. (Notable examples of topics welcome ELSEWHERE include but are not limited to: Politics, Religion, Hate Speech, Inciting Violence, etc.)
Any questions or concerns on the RULES please PM a moderator.
Moderators are monitoring the forum at all times.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster and have their posts removed from your forum experience.
1. Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)
2. No conversations about illegal drugs. illegal = USA federally illegal.
3. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated, including in a user name.
We will be using Wiki's list as our guide. Taboo words include but are not limited to this list.
Points will be issued for each offense. At three offenses, users will be limited to posting in the MudPit for a month. Three more offenses while in the MudPit earns a ban.
4. Only one user membership per person.
5. No posting of nudity/pornography - Offenses will be dealt with at staff discretion
6. No affiliate, referral links or hot linked memes, or pics are permitted. Also no raffles or charity funding are to be sold for profit or otherwise including GoFundMe links, and others. Please contact an Admin about legal 501c3, c6, etc Charity raffles or any other types.
7. No pictures or videos of TRUE violence against people or animals.
8. You are not allowed to post anyone's personal information. We take this very seriously, and offenses may result in a permanent ban.
9. All above rules also apply to your avatar pic.
10. Threads, and Posts must be in the appropriate sections. Please NO spamming outside the appropriate sections, this also includes Profile, PM, and Tag Spamming. Moderators will move or delete it, and issue warning points. If there is no appropriate section for your thread or post that is unrelated to vaping e-cigs then more then likely it does not belong in the forum. (Notable examples of topics welcome ELSEWHERE include but are not limited to: Politics, Religion, Hate Speech, Inciting Violence, etc.)
Any questions or concerns on the RULES please PM a moderator.
Moderators are monitoring the forum at all times.
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