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Savour The Vapour


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I have to share this just to get it off of my chest.

I went into a local vape shop today to buy some more wire. They were out of what I wanted so the guy suggested I buy one of their premade house coils until they get more of my preferred wire in. I asked what they ohm out at and the Fused Clapton ni80 that he wanted me to buy was a .12 - .15 coil. I proceeded to explain that the mech that I had in my hand, and showed him, is one that hits great at .4 ohms and I use a pink Samsung 30q in. He tells me that they sell that battery there and I'd be ok with the low build because it's a 30A battery.

After picking my jaw up off of the floor, I explained that I bought my batteries from them and the Samsung 30q has a 15A cdr. He tells me that I'm wrong and it's a 30A battery. I looked him in the eye and asked him, so you're telling me, knowing I'm using a mech, that I can build for 30 Amps using the 30q? I then pulled up the 30q on Google and showed him the 15A rating.

Can you imagine if I didn't know my batteries? What scares me is, how many people have they told this to?

It's shops like this that can give our industry a black eye.
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I have to share this just to get it off of my chest.

I went into a local vape shop today to buy some more wire. They were out of what I wanted so the guy suggested I buy one of their premade house coils until they get more of my preferred wire in. I asked what they ohm out at and the Fused Clapton ni80 that he wanted my to buy was a .12 - .15 coil. I proceeded to explain that the mech that I had in my hand, and showed him, is one that hits great at .4 ohms and I use a pink Samsung 30q in. He tells me that they sell that battery there and I'd be ok with the low build because it's a 30A battery.

After picking my jaw up off of the floor, I explained that I bought my batteries from them and the Samsung 30q has a 15A cdr. He tells me that I'm wrong and it's a 30A battery. I looked him in the eye and asked him, so you're telling me, knowing I'm using a mech, that I can build for 30 Amps using the 30q? I then pulled up the 30q on Google and showed him the 15A rating.

Can you imagine if I didn't know my batteries? What scares me is how many people have they told this to?

It's shops like this that can give our industry a black eye.
Unfortunately I have had similar situations, here's one way to combat this...review them on Google, Yelp, Facebook, whatever you can do to warn people. It doesn't have to be a nasty review but it should let people know to do research before purchasing and consider pointing them to VU, we will give them the RIGHT answers here. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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It's okay to call them out by name - good thing you already know your shit or we might be reading about you in the bad news section!


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Unfortunately I have had similar situations, here's one way to combat this...review them on Google, Yelp, Facebook, whatever you can do to warn people. It doesn't have to be a nasty review but it should let people know to do research before purchasing and consider pointing them to VU, we will give them the RIGHT answers here. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Excellent suggestions. I'm definitely going to review them and hopefully it helps someone. Like you said, it doesn't have to be nasty to get the message out there. I already emailed the owner to suggest better training for their staff. Their reply was that they don't sell mechs there. That's a fair point, but YOU'RE A VAPE SHOP THAT ADVERTISES LEGIT BATTERIES FOR SALE!! Educate your people, post an amperage chart for what you stock.
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It's okay to call them out by name - good thing you already know your shit or we might be reading about you in the bad news section!
For any Canadians on here: The shop is Savour The Vapour, they have 3 shops within 25 mins of each other and this isn't the first time that I've had to educate one of their staff members.
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His reply was that they don't sell mechs there. That's a fair point, but YOU'RE A VAPE SHOP THAT ADVERTISES LEGIT BATTERIES FOR SALE!! Educate your people, post an amperage chart for what you stock.
Wow, such a well thought out response. Doesn't negate the fact that people who own mechs don't buy batteries. AND not all people that own mechs know what they're doing. We see that frequently.

You're doing your part in getting the information out there, so good on ya!


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Update! The shop Manager is now emailing to tell me that the .15 build with my 15A battery is still safe. I don't know if I should laugh or cry?
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I'd make sure that's posted somewhere too: and the response I'd make to the owner would not be polite, but it would end with "And, as well as the CDR rating of your batteries being posted, you should stick a sign in the window saying 'We Only Sell To Regulated Mod Users'."


Under Ground Hustler
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I have to share this just to get it off of my chest.

I went into a local vape shop today to buy some more wire. They were out of what I wanted so the guy suggested I buy one of their premade house coils until they get more of my preferred wire in. I asked what they ohm out at and the Fused Clapton ni80 that he wanted me to buy was a .12 - .15 coil. I proceeded to explain that the mech that I had in my hand, and showed him, is one that hits great at .4 ohms and I use a pink Samsung 30q in. He tells me that they sell that battery there and I'd be ok with the low build because it's a 30A battery.

After picking my jaw up off of the floor, I explained that I bought my batteries from them and the Samsung 30q has a 15A cdr. He tells me that I'm wrong and it's a 30A battery. I looked him in the eye and asked him, so you're telling me, knowing I'm using a mech, that I can build for 30 Amps using the 30q? I then pulled up the 30q on Google and showed him the 15A rating.

Can you imagine if I didn't know my batteries? What scares me is, how many people have they told this to?

It's shops like this that can give our industry a black eye.

The best advise I can give is if a vape shop is trying to sell you cells you should Google " *battery name* mooch" on your phone.

The first page Google kicks out is Mooch's facebook with "Samsung 30Q Mooch":


This below is the full 18650 test result for the newest cells.


Mooch Social Media Links: These two sources are VERY informative.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/batterymooch/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCePHh3NMvu3rW2LFJeOWo-Q/videos


Under Ground Hustler
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already emailed the owner to suggest better training for his staff. His reply was that they don't sell mechs there. That's a fair point,

I hope that Savour The Vapour, Canada comes here to read this so they understand that shops all over the country here in the US are getting sued (and losing) when stupid people do stupid things and batteries fail.

This is just in my state Florida but there are a a few others that I know of, one was in California when a woman left a battery charging in a got car mid summer.
She won too.


In this case it was obvious as day that it was a torn wrap but nope.
eBay seller held liable for 2 MILLION dollars.

Also, if you were to edit the title of this post to add the shop name it could be very helpful for people who google the shop;)


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The best advise I can give is if a vape shop is trying to sell you cells you should Google " *battery name* mooch" on your phone.

The first page Google kicks out is Mooch's facebook with "Samsung 30Q Mooch":


This below is the full 18650 test result for the newest cells.


Mooch Social Media Links: These two sources are VERY informative.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/batterymooch/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCePHh3NMvu3rW2LFJeOWo-Q/videos
Mooch replied to my message regarding this and did a double face palm. He also mentioned that the pulse rating is useless in vape mods.


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I hope that Savour The Vapour, Canada comes here to read this so they understand that shops all over the country here in the US are getting sued (and losing) when stupid people do stupid things and batteries fail.

This is just in my state Florida but there are a a few others that I know of, one was in California when a woman left a battery charging in a got car mid summer.
She won too.


In this case it was obvious as day that it was a torn wrap but nope.
eBay seller held liable for 2 MILLION dollars.

Also, if you were to edit the title of this post to add the shop name it could be very helpful for people who google the shop;)
The U.S is a little different when it comes to personal lawsuits, but I can see it happening here. I think that it comes down to the legal obligation to educate the customer on what they're buying, I'm not sure if there's been a legal precedent set up here yet.

Case in point form the educational view, I started going to this shop back when I first started vaping. My second mod purchase at this shop required 2 external 18650 batteries. When they sold them to me they didn't say anything about safe storage, battery hygiene (tears in wraps), nothing. They put my batteries in the bag and that was it. I had to go back 2 days later and buy a couple of Chubby Gorilla cases and 2 more batteries because I had read up on battery safety.

So in a case like this, if something had happened because I may not have known anything about safe storage due to the shop not educating me, I can see them being liable.


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Personally, I think the lawsuits should be thrown out - with prejudice..

As long as they are selling what they claim they are selling, game over - to my mind. If I buy an airtool or compressor, chainsaw or nailgun - or a hammer - as long as it is what was advertised (and obviously Works), then the onus is on me to RTFM and use them properly. There is some protection for used-vehicle sales and snakeoil too, but when you buy it and it works, it's yours.

At some point you have to completely expect Personal Responsibility, and you hold the company up to normal biz standards. The remaining leverage is simply their Word and Integrity - vote with your feet and dollars.


Citrus Junkie
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Personally, I think the lawsuits should be thrown out - with prejudice..

As long as they are selling what they claim they are selling, game over - to my mind. If I buy an airtool or compressor, chainsaw or nailgun - or a hammer - as long as it is what was advertised (and obviously Works), then the onus is on me to RTFM and use them properly. There is some protection for used-vehicle sales and snakeoil too, but when you buy it and it works, it's yours.

At some point you have to completely expect Personal Responsibility, and you hold the company up to normal biz standards. The remaining leverage is simply their Word and Integrity - vote with your feet and dollars.
I agree with this 100%. Personal responsibility is no longer meaningful thanks to the ridiculous/frivolous payouts the courts are allowing. IMO 90% of those suits should have never made it to court.


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Personally, I think the lawsuits should be thrown out - with prejudice..

As long as they are selling what they claim they are selling, game over - to my mind. If I buy an airtool or compressor, chainsaw or nailgun - or a hammer - as long as it is what was advertised (and obviously Works), then the onus is on me to RTFM and use them properly. There is some protection for used-vehicle sales and snakeoil too, but when you buy it and it works, it's yours.

At some point you have to completely expect Personal Responsibility, and you hold the company up to normal biz standards. The remaining leverage is simply their Word and Integrity - vote with your feet and dollars.
I also concur, the above mentioned case where someone leaves a battery charging in a hot car is on them.

Back to the original topic and a vape shop employee should absolutely know what the amps are of a battery they are selling and should not ever tell someone they're safe at a low build with an inadequate battery. I'm not saying this from a legal standpoint, it's an integrity issue.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I also concur, the above mentioned case where someone leaves a battery charging in a hot car is on them.

Back to the original topic and a vape shop employee should absolutely know what the amps are of a battery they are selling and should not ever tell someone they're safe at a low build with an inadequate battery. I'm not saying this from a legal standpoint, it's an integrity issue.

When an employee of the seller (and now the owner no less) gives out bad info on a dangerous product, there is a legal liability - especially with the battery manufacturers putting out statements how these batteries are not to be used for vaping at all


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When an employee of the seller (and now the owner no less) gives out bad info on a dangerous product, there is a legal liability - especially with the battery manufacturers putting out statements how these batteries are not to be used for vaping at all
This is rich! I missed this email last night, this is the owner telling me that by me writing a Google review warning people that her employee made a recommendation that could have resulted in a serious injury, is blowing things out of proportion



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When an employee of the seller (and now the owner no less) gives out bad info on a dangerous product, there is a legal liability - especially with the battery manufacturers putting out statements how these batteries are not to be used for vaping at all
Well, there is SIGNAGE, there is "available", and there is... Stupidity/dumbassery.. Telling the customer they are safe when NOT is wrong. Selling the customer what they want regardless is NOT.

Back to "ball in your court, boys - Responsible much?"


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This is rich! I missed this email last night, this is the owner telling me that by me writing a Google review warning people that her employee made a recommendation that could have resulted in a serious injury, is blowing things out of proportion

View attachment 127924
Tell him that's the point, take it seriously when a fellow vaper tells you to get your employees trained. It's public safety not what's best for their business.

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This is rich! I missed this email last night, this is the owner telling me that by me writing a Google review warning people that her employee made a recommendation that could have resulted in a serious injury, is blowing things out of proportion

View attachment 127924

Maybe they will see this thread and come join the party:D


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Maybe they will see this thread and come join the party:D
I'd really like to move on from this whole experience, the problem is that they're still trying to tell me that even now, knowing its a 15A battery, that a .15 ohm build would have been safe. I sent them an ohms law calculator clearly showing that the build would require a lot more than 15A, and according to them "nothing would happen"
You can't fix stupid, but man it makes me worry about the customer that trusts their info. I don't take a puff and set it down for 5 mins, I vape my mech. With that build/battery combo my battery would heat up to the point where thermal runaway would be very likely.
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