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Scammer Alert: Tim Foster a.k.a FosterVapper

Max Slaine

The Most Interesting Vaper in the World
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We have another scammer in the community!

Tim Foster a.k.a FosterVapper

Here's the original thread on Facebook...

This guy is trying to get free merchandise from different vendors. He actually wins on shows and still wants more!! He's lying and then gets aggressive when confronted.

I'm looking to spread the word on this guy if you have any information regarding this person please Private Message me so we can work to eliminate this piece of garbage from our community.

If you cannot view the facebook link then please let me know and I will paste the whole thing in here...



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can't see Facebook, of course i don't do Facebook and the post is not public. So what is all the fuss about...

Max Slaine

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So this guy starts by contacting Deejstuff.com and states that "Max Slaine told me to contact you for some free juice because he is in need. I never did that, I never offer other people's products for free.. who does that? Next he goes to SocalTortuga.com and tells him a similar story that he's down on his luck and has a crappy Ego style battery that works half the time and is stuck using ViviNova's and that he was told by another show host to contact him for the free juice.

When they realized something might be up they contacted me. I confirmed I never told this person to contact you and then started to check and see if this guy ever won on my show. Sure enough the asshole did win.

Get this... He won twice, both times a JWrap! So this is where it will make you cringe. He wanted the wrap for a Provari. Yes a $180 mod.

The second time he won he wanted a wrap for his IMOTION3 V2, (I never heard of it but it looks like an $80 Vamo.)
Obviously he has money, he comes to the shows and wins giveaways!!

I was also informed in the past he claimed a prize on one of the shows that he indeed did not win and tried to steal/claim it from someone else. Not realizing that we have people that keep track of these sorts of things.

I'm looking to get his IP banned from connecting to vapers.tv and also get him booted from all vaping related sites like this forum and any groups on Facebook.

I also want to get this out to as many show hosts as I can so they also don't let him win anything.


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damn, I nerve of some people. I worked hard for what I have and people like this just piss me off. Not that he would ever try something like that with me, I will keep on eye out for that person. People like him make the rest of us look bad..
Thanks Max for the heads up.

Will have to check out your show. Older person, newer vapor.

Max Slaine

The Most Interesting Vaper in the World
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Yeah no problem, If you're a vendor and wondering if this person should get a free sample product from you here is some more info without giving away all his info...

Tim Foster
Mailing Address
Northwood, OH 43619
Telephone Number
Vaughn Registered Username
Email Address

Notice I posted his entire email address. Feel free to sign him up for every single piece of disgusting spam you can possibly imagine.
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Max Slaine

The Most Interesting Vaper in the World
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@CaFF the link doesn't resolve to anything, did he remove it out of fear or is it just a bad link? :)


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What he sent through using my form on Nova:

Submitted Information:

Tim Foster

Mailing Address
xxx West xxxxxx Rd. Apt #x Northwood, OH 43619

Telephone Number

Vaughn Registered Username

Justin Registered Username

Your Email Address

Prize Won (or give feedback to host)

Show Date - in full
Tuesday, 1st July 2014

Comment (what you won, etc)
i was looking for some help in my situation

My name is Tim Foster and i was wondering if you can help me out. I'm 39 years old and have Mild Cerebral Palsy and really can not do much but watch shows on the net and and been vaping for about a year now. I'm also on a fix income of $500.00 a month and after paying rent and bills i really do not have enough money to try some new different flavors and good mod with a good atty because all i have is an Ego Twist that works only half the time with a vivi tank. Really want to get a new tough solid Mod with a nice dripper atty or a tank.

All i have been vaping on is this juice from China that a few of my friends gave me and it really does not taste so good, I really want to try some Bakery,fruity and just some awesome flavors.especially your flavors i heard about .

i have been trying to see if someone or company can help me out in this problem. i also been looking for about a year for any help, but sadly to say i have not had any good luck at it, i am hoping this will be the one that will help if you can help me out it would be so much appreciated. I will try my best to promote your company too via by facebook and telling everyone i talk too or you can tell me how to promote your company I am sorry to ask you like this if this is a problem but i really don't know what else to do.

Thanks for reading this

Tim Foster
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IDK....to play Devil's Advocate, if the guy does have CP or such, he might not realize people would think it's wrong.

For me, I can relate as I live on a fixed income too and it's not a joyride with no car, no cable, and no real social life either.
All my peers are married and have families, careers and such. So, I don't much fit into 'normal society". However, I'm pretty content in my life and it's ok.

The difference is, I pay all my bills everymonth and take care of my cat first and then I budget for what I want. I also try to get the best deals I can to stretch the cash out. As long as I get to have SOME new things every month to feel I'm involved and still enjoying this hobby of ours, I'm happy. If that means shopping at a thrift store, Ebay, CL, or FT, that's ok. :)

I don't ask for things. I also don't enter ALL the contests either just because I could. That's just silly IMO..


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WTF!!! I am disabled and on a fixed income. I never ask anybody for shit.
I save up money and buy stuff myself. I use clones, sell stuff on eBay to make money to afford vaping gear.
If I can do it 100% disabled, 39 years old on my 3rd hip replacement, limping around in pain 24/7 then the Chinese "Tim Foster" can fucking do it too!!!
I'm sorry I am usually not (this much of) a dick but this type of shit pisses me off!


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I'm on this boat too. Name, usernames, and maybe cities are open game but to practically post the guys home address and telephone number is I think a little overboard.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I totally agree.


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Anywhere and everywhere free things are given out, you will find scam artists with their hand out.
Like giving "down on their luck" folks gas money at the station, only to watch them turn around and walk away
with a still empty gas can, get into a car nicer than yours and drive off. Ya get jaded after a while and some people
who may deserve it get cold a shoulder from you. It just ruins the joy of your empathy.

The Ocelot

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Yeah, I don't mind outing scammers (Jbox, anyone?), but a witch hunt isn't a good idea either. Putting personal info. out on the forum is a bad idea legally as well..

Time will tell...


Max Slaine

The Most Interesting Vaper in the World
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Only enough information was posted to allow vendors to determine if it's the same guy.


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Only enough information was posted to allow vendors to determine if it's the same guy.
Only enough? Enough that anyone with a cleverness quotient of .6 could find out at which specific address he lives and beat the snot out of him or vandalize his property or set fire to his cat, or guess the remaining two digits of his phone number and harass him day and night like lunatics.

Look, the guy is clearly an abuser of goodwill. He's not Hitler; he's not even an ANTZ. He's just a sadsack guy who obviously has some serious problems in his life which he desperately needs to work out.

The cat's out of the bag now, but you should really seriously consider the merits of removing just a little bit more of his personal details. If for no other reason than to avoid the obvious liability issues here in case something awful should happen.


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If you don't already have such a system (haven't checked and don't need to), you should consider having a truly private subforum or messaging system for vendors only for this kind of thing. There's a world of difference between a blacklist and an all-out witchhunt - something which we as Horrible Poisonous Vapers should already be incredibly skeptical about and sensitive toward.


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Anywhere and everywhere free things are given out, you will find scam artists with their hand out.
Like giving "down on their luck" folks gas money at the station, only to watch them turn around and walk away
with a still empty gas can, get into a car nicer than yours and drive off. Ya get jaded after a while and some people
who may deserve it get cold a shoulder from you. It just ruins the joy of your empathy.

There are people who lurk these forums for juice from others constantly so be aware. This doesnt just happen to show host. Kind hearted people are swindled all the time. From not so great diy recipe, left over juice from reviews etc, all the time! They walk away with out even a thank you after being too poor to help pay for shipping.

Thankfully there MO is you never hear back from them again even when you ask for feedback for a review.


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Only enough information was posted to allow vendors to determine if it's the same guy.

From your post yes. A post in the middle had xxx street name, apt x and a full phone number. That's where it's wrong.

You want to say John Smith from Salt Lake City, UT fine. But not John Smith who lives at x Main Street Apt x. His full number is x.

I mean worst case. The kid has no money and is a pain in the butt for freebies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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I hid more of the address

Max Slaine

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@jeremy I agree the idea of a specific private area for vendors to cross reference their giveaways is a good idea. There are probably even sicker people out there who might potentially do something like you described. We do live in a fucked up world, just watch the news.
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What he sent through using my form on Nova:

Submitted Information:

Tim Foster

Mailing Address
xxx West xxxxxx Rd. Apt #x Northwood, OH 43619

Telephone Number

Vaughn Registered Username

Justin Registered Username

Your Email Address

Prize Won (or give feedback to host)

Show Date - in full
Tuesday, 1st July 2014

Comment (what you won, etc)
i was looking for some help in my situation

My name is Tim Foster and i was wondering if you can help me out. I'm 39 years old and have Mild Cerebral Palsy and really can not do much but watch shows on the net and and been vaping for about a year now. I'm also on a fix income of $500.00 a month and after paying rent and bills i really do not have enough money to try some new different flavors and good mod with a good atty because all i have is an Ego Twist that works only half the time with a vivi tank. Really want to get a new tough solid Mod with a nice dripper atty or a tank.

All i have been vaping on is this juice from China that a few of my friends gave me and it really does not taste so good, I really want to try some Bakery,fruity and just some awesome flavors.especially your flavors i heard about .

i have been trying to see if someone or company can help me out in this problem. i also been looking for about a year for any help, but sadly to say i have not had any good luck at it, i am hoping this will be the one that will help if you can help me out it would be so much appreciated. I will try my best to promote your company too via by facebook and telling everyone i talk too or you can tell me how to promote your company I am sorry to ask you like this if this is a problem but i really don't know what else to do.

Thanks for reading this

Tim Foster
Oh this sounds so sad I'm gonna send him lots vape goods. Everyone we should start a charity for him j/k. How did he afford to smoke cigs


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. How did he afford to smoke cigs

Well, IDK his situation, but I RYO'd mine.

When I got paid, I'd hit the smoke shop and buy a bag of tobacco, a few packs of rolling papers and a box of king-sized tubes.

Cost about $30-45 a month.


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Well, IDK his situation, but I RYO'd mine.

When I got paid, I'd hit the smoke shop and buy a bag of tobacco, a few packs of rolling papers and a box of king-sized tubes.

Cost about $30-45 a month.
That's exactly what i did when i could no longer afford to buy them in packs/cartons.

Being shit broke is not a completely untenable position to be in, it's just incredibly inconvenient and means that you may have to stretch the limits of what you consider to be "best possible choices" in order to get by.

It might be helpful to remember that not everyone is always at their peak. That's no excuse for scamming, but people gotta do what people gotta do, especially when it comes to feeding their addictions.


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Wow...I too am disabled and suffer from a variety of conditions, disorders, and diseases (non-contagious)...also been getting a fixed income of no more than $10,788 a year (sometimes it actually decreases and I was getting more but politics screwed that up for me) but I do not..and I repeat...I do not scam fellow vapers nor anyone else period...maybe some pandas but they deserve to be scammed cause they're so fluffy and shit.

I won't ever be able to work a normal PT/FT job in my life but life goes on and learning how to budget/mange your money is key. All I do is buy what I can and hope it will last me minimum 6 months and hope nothing breaks, I get by with this quite well along with paying rent and utilities and food.

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