The Road Warrior
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I was catching up on my youtube reviews to see what's new and coming out because I like to stay in the loop and I came across this video from Suck My Mod.. In it Matt show's of the Segelei 150 real quick and shows a website where several Yihi chipset mods show that they miscalculate the voltage for the wattage setting and are not accurate at especially lower ohm builds and higher wattage settings...So I went to the website he linked and checked it out for myself. As I only got my 150 a few weeks ago I was hoping I had a newer one that hopefully had a more accurate chip. So I screwed my simple inline volt meter in it and when it would read the voltage as it fired I was sadly disturbed to find my mod with both a .46 and a .24 build fired an average of .3 volts lower than it said it is when set between 50 and 80 watts. This leads to as much as a 10 watt difference between what I set it for and what the mod is actually firing at. I've heard the SX-350 series chips are much more accurate but I don't have the money to blow on another mod to find out...I am wondering if anyone else has a newer SX 330 chipped mod than something like the 150 that could have been sitting in a stores stock for a couple months and if they have the same problem or if Yihi has addressed this issue? below is a link to the Youtube video and the website with the guy who tested a bunch of mods with better equipment than my cheap inline meter results....