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An X-GF of mine had tiny boobs when we were together and 20 some odd years later after another child and a "few extra: pound her Clouds were Cumulonimbus Monsters. Can't help but think damn wish she had those back then we might still be together! Then she walked away and that thought left my mind............

Absolutely! Pregnancy and breast-feeding helped mine a lot, even when I was still VERY slender (breast-feeding gets that baby weight off FAST!) -- they were small, but definitely present. But for me, my "boob point" is 130 lbs -- under, and I'm like 34B, pretty small. Over, and I head into C territory. I do mean to lose this 10 lbs, for health reasons, and also because a small weight problem is MUCH easier to remedy than a larger problem... but at long as I stay above 135 lbs, I should be able to keep my C's, and not look "skinny" -- I'm so tall (was 5'7", now closer to 5'6") that it's very easy to look skinny; even now, I constantly hear "you don't have a weight problem!" I guess they mean, I'm not obese, and no, I'm a very long way from obese... and I never ever want to get there, either.



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I have always said more than a mouthful is a waste anyway!



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Well I must say if that was an ass I definitely would not be checking it out..................:wtf:


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WTF??? That looks like something from the island of Dr. Moreau!

Rather angry llama with ears 'pinned' back and fixing to spit on the unlucky photographer. Properly trained llamas do not spit at people, but there are plenty out there that were overly handled when young who will. Can range from just air, what ever they happen to be eating at the time, to the extreme of hocked up digestive fluid. Never try to break up a fight between two adult male llamas. You will get in the line of fire and it ain't pleasant!


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Please be aware folks, there are some memes in this thread that may offend some readers, but posters, also use common sense about posting racially explicit memes as well, as we still have a set of rules in place for the forum.

Please Remember this is a thread I started for my daily pics, but others are welcome to post theirs also.

These pics may be racist, humorous, offensive, or just a opinion so please take them as entertainment ONLY, and they are not directed at any one person, group, or thing, If you are offended then just do Not subscribe to my thread, PERIOD!


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Actually, they will use their phones to cheat if you allow them to have one out. Text each other, take pics of the test for their friends. We had a policy of no phones in school, and every damn day I had to confiscate phones and turn them into the office. I was amazed how many of them were dumb enough to get it out knowing if we saw it, we had to take it :rolleyes: Their parents had to come pick it up from the office. And nearly every time it turned into a big mess with the kid screaming about how unfair we were, this is bullshit, and then the parent doing the same. And yet, the next day, repeat.


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