You just gotta find a wifi extender that will work with your stuff. They are cheap and easy. Amazon should have a good selection.All I need is the simplest way to extent the WiFi signal to about 100 ft radius. I'm looking at the plug in the wall socket thighamagigs.
The one I have goes out about 250-300 ft.All I need is the simplest way to extent the WiFi signal to about 100 ft radius. I'm looking at the plug in the wall socket thighamagigs.
The one I have goes out about 250-300 ft.
Of course depending on construction materials used in your home.
Metal siding pretty much kills the signal.
My home is wood construction.
Last one was straw but some asshole wolf came by and....
yep. A Brick house in New Zealand is next I suppose.Is that why you moved to Kentucky?
I'm enjoying the Cyclone v1 I got from JL and it doesn't get too hot if I keep the coils above 1.5 ohms.I'm really enjoying the MTL action on this Cyclone AFC I got from Brewski - and it doesn't turn into an inferno like the V1 I sold him, lol
They are supposed to work well. Never tried them though.That's real good range. I wasn't planning to install another router as a bridge since the Internet line is not available in the middle of the property and getting those people back is a PITA. I figured the little plug in the wall would possibly work....maybe?
Fifth day of heavy use with the CV and not a glitch yet. I think the secret fix works!
See post #9726what secret fix?
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Well 5 vapes and I likie. Threw the sexy leg in there for Lucy lmao.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
Got wasp today also. Looks like smaller gorge. Worth 10 bucks. Not sure if it's worth waiting 3 weeks but hey...... Anticipation.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
No wiener in that one?Black and yellow black and yellow
Nah, still stock sony wrappersNo wiener in that one?
It's looking good! I'll stick with the SV dual for now, the SV mini whenever Mr. B. decides to make it and eventually a FSK chip in a box I'll make.Orca dicodes
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
Damn. Only one MM bottle in stock!
Hey guys what's the easiest way to clean the contacts on my orca? It's not firing every time I press the button. I've been using the hell out of it and I think it's got gunk built up on the copper strip.
Buy up those silkies - only $24.99
Thank you sir!! Would an emory board like women use for their nails work?
Normally a razor blade works for scraping off any carbon that's built up, or you can use a fine piece of sandpaper, get it between the contact points, press the button lightly to pinch it and move back & forth until the contact point is clean.
PSA for all you other mech owners..... clean your contacts regularly...
Hey guys what's the easiest way to clean the contacts on my orca? It's not firing every time I press the button. I've been using the hell out of it and I think it's got gunk built up on the copper strip.
You can snag DeoxIT all over the place. Amazon, Guitar Center, direct from CAIG the manufacturer, etc.Don't tell my wife but her little metal nail worked wonders in there lol. It smells like strawberry and kiwi now hahahahahaha!! She'll give me the look when she notices. Where do I get deoxit at?
Hey guys what's the easiest way to clean the contacts on my orca? It's not firing every time I press the button. I've been using the hell out of it and I think it's got gunk built up on the copper strip.
Still waiting for mine to ship..Any first thoughts of it as of yet?A thing showed up in my mailbox today.
Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
Body seems to be well made. Bottles suck. There is a thread on the other forum,and someone stripped it down. Contact design is not the best and not the safest,but neither is the original. Will need some very easy insulating of the contacts so the battery fits a little tighter and prevent auto firing issues. Also, the door is kind of a pain in the backside to get off.Still waiting for mine to ship..Any first thoughts of it as of yet?
Well i figured a few negatives...Should make for a nice fixer upper in any case...The Icarus is next on my list to try after i get this one..Appreciate the insight on it.Body seems to be well made. Bottles suck. There is a thread on the other forum,and someone stripped it down. Contact design is not the best and not the safest,but neither is the original. Will need some very easy insulating of the contacts so the battery fits a little tighter and prevent auto firing issues. Also, the door is kind of a pain in the backside to get off.
Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
THe new WHAT??? coffee!!I just pre-ordered one of the new Covfefe squonkers.
I just pre-ordered one of the new Covfefe squonkers.