Hadaly is definitely a flavor machine, but I am often bugged by gurgle in the airway. I know....squonk less...but still, it's an issue for me keeping from being my favorite RDA.
I have a Pulse 22, and I like it - but that one, I'm never sure if I've squonked ENOUGH. I feel like the pin needs a bigger hole.
I thought about the 24, because I also like to run duals.
On the other hand, I have a mod coming that requires a 22.
On the other other hand, I have another 22mm Goon coming, so that helps.
On the other other other hand, I could use one more 22 or 24, either way.
On the other other other other hand, I'd kind of like an authentic o-atty, but not sure about the V2, and the original o also didn't come with a BF pin.
I'm just maybe gonna go a day or two without buying an RDA.
I do have a Fasttech cart to close out...but no RDA's this time.
Just a couple bottles, a couple tips, and some metal cubes (for scotch).