I don't really have an opinion about this Haku business, except that it sounds like 3f is trying to pull a fast one. However I have a question about a couple of RDAs, and wondered if any of you squonk experts might be able to help.
I was recently PIFed a huge box of many different atomizers and all their paraphernalia; today I discovered that along with quite a few different versions of various Kayfuns, there were also 2 RDAs, about which I know very little. I wondered if either of them might be able to be used as a BF atty, if there might be 510 pins for that, for these two.
One is called the Crown RDA, and yeah, it looks like a crown. It's got several pairs of airholes, and the smallest pair are VERY tiny, so it might just possibly suit my need for very tight draw. The other is one of the low profile sort, called a Nectar Nano, and it also seems to be possible to reduce the airflow on it quite drastically. In some things I read about it, it's described as a genesis-style atomizer, and it does have a baffling assortment of round holes on the deck. I know absolutely zero about genny-style attys, and have no desire to learn, but I wondered if it could be used as a regular RDA, and/or, if it might be BF-able.
Any clues?