Many will have their opinions on Clone VS Authentic...its their right ( To an opinion )
and I will use the Haku as an example, Since I made it a topic in one of my previous posts...
I bought the authentic first...liked it enough to warrant going after the Cruiser version... not news I know
*poke poke jab jab*
Just the same with my Flave 24... I bought the clone first then the authentic and also the Flave 22 Ti...(
@snake94115 has the clone now...I think...never got confirmation he actually picked it up lol ) Some don't agree going this route, don't care if they do
( Not directed at any specific person, just truth. ) Just the same as their opinion of me, those that know me, well know me, those that don't ( You guessed it lol )
But there are a lot of those here who would like to try the Haku Phenom, but don't do FB, nor want to go through the pains of Lists, let downs or what not; or simply don't have $125 laying around for an atomizer which truly can be shit for them, but have $15
So that was my reasoning to buy the Clone... Give my honest opinion on the Clone Vs Authentic... and trust me, I'll be right there in the same boat as those that have authentic... if my assessment is the clone is just as good... yeah suck a butt lol
The Flave 24 Clone btw...90% as good as the authentic imo
AF is the only thing different...and engravings