Usually I drink
Abbey Roast Black & White for my first cup.Then I switch to
Cafe Du Monde for the rest of the day.
Click those links in red above to order either.
Will keep these in mind. Presently, I am putting myself in a circle. The meaning to that for me is giving myself a dose of needed tough love to help gain mastery, discipline. There are some things which I spoke to with the therapist today, I had not realized, past stuff which merits reconciling inside me.
For one thing I realized my step dad's dad did what he could and was ignorant of a lot that went on, not on purpose though. He just didn't know. Somehow that blurted out as harsh anger but realizing the above. "He could have done more, ... oh wait, duh." That's life though.
In that maturing, find myself grasping better comprehension of what I need to do, why, how. Yes, it relates to writing and to vaping in the sense that I'll be guzzling juice through the mods. I've some dark verges with wild things lurking and that experience might help another child, if it's presented correctly and positively.
I blame Mr. Rogers, I genuinely do.
I'm starting to feel a need of stopping and saying, ...
Yes, now you all should be afraid, very, very afraid. *ambles on to sort out this story of wicked clowns meets a Frank Miller's Marv type anti-hero*