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Squonkers are Bonkers


Diamond Contributor
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A cheap $10 volt meter from harbor freight or even Wally world is a great tool to use to compare between mechanical mods...pretty much an essential vaping tool with mechs.

I concur. Recently, suffered trying to guess ohm rating on coils I built. Had unfortunately compromised a voltage meter here and needed waiting on funds to get another. Being without use of one demonstrated their absolute need of having one. Not pleasant feeling to rely upon hope and experience to guess at an ohm range.

That is not to say one can fully rely upon a meter to get correct ohm rating either. Margins of error and possibilities of malfunctions, still better to use a meter. Poop happening will be poop happening, using a tool or not using one. Risk is better mitigated though using a tool statistically.

Please do not misunderstand, misconstrue what I'm writing in this post. I am not debasing the use of an ohm meter. I am in fact expressing an ohm meter in my opinion be used.


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Just got me one of these for review... :)

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*looks at post, emitting ...* "Hmmmm, ...

A few thoughts -
- Looks quite nice!!
- VERY different animal from the original squeeze. I mean, it's a 100 watt mod as opposed to a mosfet "near mech" device
- looks quite a bit bigger - adding a battery, and a chip...button move...etc.
- I would guess same height (cuz batter lid) but bigger in all other dimensions.
- I understand they changed the "Coral" too - but I'll bet it's still better to NOT buy a kit, so you don't waste time/$ on a "kit rda". Haven't seen a decent one...ever. Even if it's $5 more for the kit, I wouldn't get the kit.

*nods and thereby gives the motion the third party consensus power of vote, ergo so written so is. will await further implementation of the mod product to 'check it out' for himself* Hanging back a bit due to budgeting as well as simple consumer apprehension seems to have guided me well so far. I can recognize Eleaf has a good product in the original Pico Squezze, that noted it follows Eleaf would make a good quality product, ... still waiting on a want rather a need might be better off.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Meanwhile, I'm happy as a pig in mud with my Rage and RSQ :) Been getting into the regulated squonks….


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
sorry, yeah

65, asthma attack :(

Be interesting to note if Angus Young attends/ed a wake service for him. Although it is probably bad enough on him to recall Malcom's passing. Seems our sincerely great ones are making an exit in the past while.

Michael H.

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
heh.. But... No Hugo?

Sadly, I still have near zero-interest in these "mech" designs.. Everyone here already knows what it requires and means and most even know HOW.. We never needed chinee shit-designs to get there, (and please. people? Don't tell me the chinee engineers are Only Following Orders, m'kay?)

I'm more interested in seeing what the USERS are willing to overpay for and then the printed designs, the wood designs, etc. I doubt anyone has the balls to claim neither Evolv or Yihi are the top-end Regulated; even fewer will point at some third brand; and a vast number of loons will point at their own vision of Mechanical.

Mike: be a mensch - tell us which 510 is Mobetta - FDV vs Varitube vs... We really have few choices, so - go mad, baby! ;-P
I certainly like the Hugo Squeeze...not much to hate with silver coated copper straight from the factory...However, the button is not my favorite.

Moddog and ModMaker seem to be the popular choices on today's mech squonks...fatdaddys lost out to varitube.

Which one is better via testing I have yet to determine for myself but I'm going with modmaker for the time being.


The Vapin' Drummer
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What's the consensus on the geekvape athena? A friend wants to buy it because it's only $20
I've got one. It's nice. Tiny, metal, light. Lock switch nice button

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Great bottle too. I'd buy it for 20 for sure


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Just got me one of these for review... :)

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I just watched DJLSB's video on this.

Looks-wise compared to the OG Squeeze, it hurts my eyes and is now loaded up with widgets and watnots.

Size-wize, at near 300g in weight with batt installed, it's going to be significantly heavier in the hand than the OG Squeeze, and the 350g weight of the Lost Vape Drone was why I sold mine.

Also the Coral v2 RSA, seems to be inspired a lot by the Tobhino that came out with the Luxotic, the way that the posts and air flow are designed, which might be a good thing for some folks.

IMHO, I really dont want anything heavier or physically larger than my Inbox v3, and if they came out with a 2x700 version that was not much heftier than the v3, I would rather have something like that.

Further, I'm going to avoid the Pulse 80w, since I use TC sometimes, and also am really turned off by all the drama that happened, and will be reminded of that whenever I use my mod, so I refuse to allow that kind of thinking to be part of my vaping experience.

I'm rotating betw the Inbox v3 with the Wasp Nano, the SXK DNA60 BB (currently with the Insider RBA), and a Pico 75w with a Kanger TopTank Mini w/the RBA head...

If I get another squonker right now, it will likely be a mech, and a cheap one that has all silver contacts, something along the lines of an S Rabbit clone or Hugo Squeezer, as I am getting tired of all these mods with flashing LEDs and clock displays, bluetooth and now even voice activation...

I really enjoy the simplicity of a mech squonker, just the battery, a BF 510, some metal strips and your atomizer, with a squonk bottle...I find the simplicity to be elegant, even if some think of it as 'old-school'...


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My Lost Vape Drone (A Total POS) leaked from the cheap ass 90 degree tube on the 510. It is the finest of Chi-Nee press fit and seeped constantly...

IIRC, Lost Vape fixed that issue in a later production run, which was the one I had, and verified when I disassembled to the top plate and 510 parts.

Mine never leaked, nor had issues with the squonk feeding function.


Bronze Contributor
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Not sure how I feel about the new Pico 2.

I love my DNA75C regulated squonker, but the OG Pico has become my favourite. The tiny size of it, and the ease of use have won me over.

I have a silver Pico Squeeze in daily use, a black one still in the packaging, and 2 more black ones on the way. I think I may throw a few more in the cart at FastTech before they go the way of the dodo bird.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Damn that's a steal. I have a haklone on mine. Not sure about the rsa that comes with. I just got the mod

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i'll tell him to get it. Can't expect much for that price anyway. I gave him an srabbit clone and a vct5a and he lost his whole set up. srabbit is the best bang for your buck i've had.


The Vapin' Drummer
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i'll tell him to get it. Can't expect much for that price anyway. I gave him an srabbit clone and a vct5a and he lost his whole set up. srabbit is the best bang for your buck i've had.
That's the one I haven't gotten yet.

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Member For 5 Years
That's the one I haven't gotten yet.

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It's a good performer for sure, but if you build super low, you'll notice the difference in voltage drop. Shouldn't be an issue with 0.2+ builds. I haven't touched mine in a long time but my gf uses one every day at 0.12 ohms. To be fair though, I haven't touched anything except my little orca in a couple weeks.


The Vapin' Drummer
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It's a good performer for sure, but if you build super low, you'll notice the difference in voltage drop. Shouldn't be an issue with 0.2+ builds. I haven't touched mine in a long time but my gf uses one every day at 0.12 ohms. To be fair though, I haven't touched anything except my little orca in a couple weeks.
I use the orca at least once a day as well. It's my not at work mod though. But usually evening it's on me

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I use the orca at least once a day as well. It's my not at work mod though. But usually evening it's on me

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yeah your job's more rough than mine lol. My molly has been sitting in the cupboard all torn apart for about 3 weeks. I need to put silver contacts in it.


The Vapin' Drummer
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Sometimes it's harder to start a project than it is to finish. Thought about trying to out some silver in another one I have just have to pick which one and see if it'll work. I've still got two 26g strips. I'm sure I'll get around to it

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Member For 3 Years
A note about silicone bottles. Came as quite a surprise. And a way to find out if it’s real food grade silicone or has additives that will leach chemicals into your vape juice.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So I just got the new pico squeeze 2 in for review. I was excited about this, I confess. It is regulated 100w with a 21700 avatar battery (included). Comes with a couple of .28 ohm coils for the atomizer which is a really nice atomizer - even has a knurled beauty ring to match the battery top cap. Single coil. Squonks nicely but could leak. It has a nice silicon bottle that you remove the cover from and fill but the cover is very lose. Proprietary bottles but two included. Also has obligatory adapter for 18650.

Fully regulated squonker design
Adjustable wattage up to a 100W
Powered by single 21700/20700/18650 battery
7ml e juice capacity
Stainless steel material for long lifespan
Wide bore resin drip tip on RDA

It is quite a bit bigger than the OG pico. in width. Height is about the same (slightly taller). But expected to house an 21750 right. Machining is like OG - not great not bad. Finish I got was one balck and one blood red. I'm using the blood red. Getting a really nice flavor off it.

Simple menu system - very intuitive. You can lock the power, switch to TC, set all thew menu options. It has LED lights (can be set) behind the bottle. I kind of like it. Muxch like the RSQ so I can see juice levels easily. Not that the bottle is dark - it is not.

I'll post pics and full review after a day or so.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years

More I try not to buy anything, more deals come my way
How is this one btw

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Bronze Contributor
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A note about silicone bottles. Came as quite a surprise. And a way to find out if it’s real food grade silicone or has additives that will leach chemicals into your vape juice.

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I looked into this a few years ago, in relation to silicone bakeware and cooking utensils. The cheap silicone can be identified by squeezing, bending or pinching it and it turns white. The more expensive silicone doesn't do that.

I came to the determination, that even the cheap silicone is pretty safe. There were some concerns if you are heating it up to over 400F, but as a juice bottle? Scaremongering.


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
A note about silicone bottles. Came as quite a surprise. And a way to find out if it’s real food grade silicone or has additives that will leach chemicals into your vape juice.

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Thanks for sharing that here.

Definitely something to think about whether or not the silicone bottles we are all using are safe or not.

I hope this situation improves and we get both more info, and safer bottles in the future.


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Member For 5 Years
Definitely worth 10 bucks

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I’m so inclined to buy one. But their $5 shipping charges are a deal breaker.
So final effective cost would be $15

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Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Just switched all bottles to PE plastic. doesn’t matter how many times I clean or with what,’or what kind of silicone bottle my juice always tastes like shit turned bad after anywhere from a couple hours to over night left in silicone.

Couldn’t stand the taste anymore and turned me off from squonking any mod with silicone bottles. Just changed to PE and enjoying some mods now I couldn’t.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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If I get another squonker right now, it will likely be a mech, and a cheap one that has all silver contacts, something along the lines of an S Rabbit clone or Hugo Squeezer, as I am getting tired of all these mods with flashing LEDs and clock displays, bluetooth and now even voice activation...

Just wait until the next round of product roll outs. I hear tell some of the companies might be in line to race to get the first regulated squonk mod that wipes your anal orifice. :p :D ;)

Although the way tech has been speeding along, it might not be a joke.

I like the simple of mechanical mods as well. I am also taking a shine the Pico Squeeze, having a mosfet/switchfet fuse in it. I like that idea, possibly a fuse can help avoid a mod blowing up in your face. That idea iseems common sense warranted. :)

On the flip side with simple mechs, know what you're building and try to stay in a relatively safe range, clean well. You should not likely have one blow up on you. Just don't try exercising stupid notions like building a 0.0.1 ohm coil on a single cell 18650, and expect cloudz brah without consequence.

It all evens out to being the same difference, or same diff. The door out is the door in and vica versa.


Diamond Contributor
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more gray ones on the way. I think I may throw a few more gray ones in the cart for @MyMagicMist at FastTech before they go the way of the dodo bird.

Ah, yeah sure that would so rock of you to do such a shiny. ;) :D :)


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
...On the flip side with simple mechs, know what you're building and try to stay in a relatively safe range, clean well. You should not likely have one blow up on you. Just don't try exercising stupid notions like building a 0.0.1 ohm coil on a single cell 18650, and expect cloudz brah without consequence...

Yeah. I'm good with builds geared with at least 10% headroom on a 20A (continuous) battery recommended by Mooch.

Old-school mech vapers might live by pulse amp draw, but that is riding the edge of a blade and hoping not to get cut and bleed, and not for me.

On an RDA, single-coil builds lower than 0.25 Ohms are way to hot for me anyway. I've found a sweet spot with simple round wire and 5-6 widely spaced wraps of 24g SS316L, which depending upon diameter is either 0.27 Ohms, or 0.34 Ohms, and I'm good with that.

I'm more about flavor and like a cooler vape than most and on a regulated mod am seldom about 35w, and I find dual-coil builds wasteful and necessary for my style of vaping. Not everyone is like me, and there's not one 'right way' to vape, however...

When folks brag to me about their 0.01 Ohm builds, I literally just walk away. I could be wrong, but in my mind there are no reasons other than ignorance or incompetence to build that low.

On my RTAs and my Billet Box, I am usually ~1.0-1.2 Ohms and ~20w and vaping them DTL and having a great experience.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Who can tell me about the Armor 1.0 RDA?....any good?...might compare to?

It's a decent RDA, dual coil it sings, single not as much.

To many pieces for my liking...very comparable to the Stumpy in terms of Vape quality, (stumpy is better imo)

Nothing else I've owned compares Vape wise to the armor 1.0.

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The Vapin' Drummer
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It's a decent RDA, dual coil it sings, single not as much.

To many pieces for my liking...very comparable to the Stumpy in terms of Vape quality, (stumpy is better imo)

Nothing else I've owned compares Vape wise to the armor 1.0.

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I use mine in single coil with the plug in the other side. Pretty decent flavor. But mainly it works.

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yeah. I'm good with builds geared with at least 10% headroom on a 20A (continuous) battery recommended by Mooch.
Old-school mech vapers might live by pulse amp draw, but that is riding the edge of a blade and hoping not to get cut and bleed, and not for me.
On an RDA, single-coil builds lower than 0.25 Ohms are way to hot for me anyway. I've found a sweet spot with simple round wire and 5-6 widely spaced wraps of 24g SS316L, which depending upon diameter is either 0.27 Ohms, or 0.34 Ohms, and I'm good with that.
I'm more about flavor and like a cooler vape than most and on a regulated mod am seldom about 35w, and I find dual-coil builds wasteful and necessary for my style of vaping. Not everyone is like me, and there's not one 'right way' to vape, however...
When folks brag to me about their 0.01 Ohm builds, I literally just walk away. I could be wrong, but in my mind there are no reasons other than ignorance or incompetence to build that low.

I am finding a sweet spot for myself is a single coil running in the 0.30 to 0.50. Like to try staying around 20% head space if able, on a general consensus suggested safe battery. That's inclusive of Mooch's opinion yet also inclusive of opinions from others.

In all fairness, I did not fully accept my wife's grandfather saying the .25 caliber pistol he had once was a bad weapon. Me and him took it out in the field and run it through some test firing. I saw first hand that he was accurate and we both made that weapon vanish in safe parts. I can trust but will still verify, that to me is just s.o.p and common sense.

Seems me and you share some common views. :)

Dog gone me. *chuckles* Have been hurting all day with sinus due to tropical depression moving through. No wonder I mistype a bit.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I prefer 0 04Ω builds with a trustfire battery... Hey! It even says trust in the name. What could go wrong?

In all seriousness, I do not leave a 20% leeway, but I ALWAYS build under the amp draw. I always rewrap damaged wrappers. I always check my builds. I always fire a fresh build pointing somewhere other than my face first.

In other words, I play it as safe as I can without sacrificing my personal vaping experience.

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Ingkong Vapes

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Reddit Exile
My drama with FastTech and my Luxotic has come to a successful conclusion. The CSR who was dealing with my ticket was not any help, and I wasn't getting anywhere with that person. After having agreed to send me a replacement or a refund upon closing the PayPal dispute, the story changed back to requiring the item to be returned to them.

So I posted in their forum section, asking Anniepan to take a look at my ticket. Within an hour or so Anniepan had responded that their is a known issue with the Luxotic, and recommended I pick another mod. I have 2 more Pico Squeeze coming to replace the leaky Luxotic. :bliss:

As an FYI, apparently this is a known issue, and Anniepan forwarded me a link to see if I can fix it myself.

it's a good thing i did a search first. i was about to post my own woes with the Luxotic BF's leaking issues. i'm just glad that it's already being discussed. the youtube video surely will come in handy (i just hope i'll be able to do everything myself). but i'm also a bit bothered that, as you stated in the thread, this leaking thing is a widespread issue. thanks!


Bronze Contributor
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it's a good thing i did a search first. i was about to post my own woes with the Luxotic BF's leaking issues. i'm just glad that it's already being discussed. the youtube video surely will come in handy (i just hope i'll be able to do everything myself). but i'm also a bit bothered that, as you stated in the thread, this leaking thing is a widespread issue. thanks!

I am picking up some of this tomorrow;

Big thanks to @TrollDragon for the JB Weld tip.

I used it to fix a hole in a drain pipe I put a screw through a few years ago. Hasn't leaked a drop since.

I'll post up once I attempt the repair.

The Cromwell

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