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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Got back into squonking about a year ago. Bought another Pulse V2 after selling one that I wasn't using. It was the PR SE Edition that came with the Requiem RDA, which sucks IMO. Decided to pick up a second Pulse V2 about a month ago. Running the Yachtvape Claymore on one and Blaze Solo on the other.


Tap'd from my iPhone 13 Pro
Welcome home


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Had a minor issue moments ago. The coil in the Gorge RDA had gotten itself pushed down against the 510 sqounk path. Used an unbent safety pin to check the capillary was cleared. Juice didn't seem to come into the RDA after squonking. Nudged at the coil and got it risen up a little. Squonking fine, now.

Trying some Heissenberg Menthol at 6 mg, mixed with my unflavored at 18 mg. This gives me roughly a juice at 12 mg. Hmm, it's menthol, so well that's that. Got "The Berg" juice at a local B&M. Local enough, it's near walking distance. About $30 for a 70 ml tube bottle. Paying for the convenience of in hand, at purchase.

Yee ha.


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Is there any interest in a very good condition Supersonic rda? It's a single coil with restricted airflow. I'll have a thread w/ pics tonight or tomorrow.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
Is there any interest in a very good condition Supersonic rda? It's a single coil with restricted airflow. I'll have a thread w/ pics tonight or tomorrow.
Pics of I see via Startpage "make it out" to being similar to the NARdA. Not used a NARdA clone in a while, think I wound up fumbling around and dropping/losing a screw or two with it. Liked it well enough. Got onto other RDA though. Like restricted lung, but also like feeling air coming in. Fine line of balance and subjective, I know.

Sorry, being thicker than Mississippi mud. I might, would try it, but not sure if I'd be in the "here take my money" group. If after trying a bit I liked, ... eh maybe if wasn't priced like a rocket.

And no, not saying send it to let me try. I'll see if I can find one to try NSA just to try. If I don't well I'll just miss out and be okay. Got the Gorge, which I need more of if they can be found reasonably priced, & got a Mongrel which I might get another of eventually.

Hehe --- need to find a good 32 coil 1,000 watt handling RDA that SOARS the likes of Godzilla!!!! LOL
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Found the black SQ I got from @Syythe. Call NORAD, "all's well."

Got a spare set of very pristine black panels in another kit. Do I use them on @Syythe's mod? Nope. What dings came on the panels when he sent it, add character.

The dings are only on corner edges. Reminds me of some rough edges we all have. Humility, or being humble, is not being humiliated. Humility does not exclude dignity, grace.

I know, far too philosophical for salty old squonk-a-holics. "Back to regular scheduled programming."
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Found the black SQ I got from @Syythe. Call NORAD, "all's well."

Got a spare set of very pristine black panels in another kit. Do I use them on @Syythe's mod? Nope. What dings came on the panels when he sent it, add character.

The dings are only on corner edges. Reminds me of some rough edges we all have. Humility, or being humble, is not being humiliated. Humility does not exclude dignity, grace.

I know, far too philosophical for salty old squonk-a-holics. "Back to regular scheduled programming."
The one I use most of the time has some character building on it too!


Glad to hear you are still enjoying the mod though. I was really hoping you would like it when I sent it out.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
The one I use most of the time has some character building on it too!

View attachment 203161

Glad to hear you are still enjoying the mod though. I was really hoping you would like it when I sent it out.
Do like it. Fiddled with the lower contact bar today. It was hard pressing to contact. Doesn't seem springy, but stiff. Got it loose. "Nope, button falls out." Fiddled right back into original shape and will be content.

I'm not springy. Why ought I expect my mod to be? :D

Got one like that with orange panels, and brass frame. Iirc, got it off @gadget!. Need to look at its contact bar as well. Not making contact, or if it is, the RDAs I'm using aren't seating in the 510 connection right. Have noticed the SQs have adjustable 510s. It may be the issue.

ETA: ~ Mar 18, 2023, 19:10:10 EST

Took a look at the orange SQ's contact bar. It indeed was the issue. Fiddled and got it fixed. There is a little more spring in it. Not used it as much yet, younger mods are springy. :)

Do not really name mods. Still, I call the orange one Frank. That's from Marvel Comic's Punisher, who is a character named Frank Castle.
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Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
first time that i have broken a refill bottle

Got a hole in the bottom of one. Had no clue until one day I wondered about why the bottle seemed too empty, and my desk had juice all over. *chuckles* Yep, I can be that dense at times.

Now, I'm kind of on a mission. Need to find bottles that fit SQ mods well. Keep having to finagle a few bottles here and there. Seen some that look a good match, but damned if I'm paying $8 USD per bottle plus $5 to $10 to ship it. Even if I was working and had it, I would not pay it. That's outright robbery, highway or no.

In similar vein, I have a weed eater which cost roughly $400 USD. It is a very reputable WV folk brand name (Stihl). If I need a little silicone rubber bubble for the primer, it would cost me $30 or more to buy a full carburetor kit to replace. Have to watch the fuel doesn't include 10% Ethanol. The ethanol eats rubber.

*realizes he's become a cranky old curmudgeon, shakes head, sighs*
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Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello squonkers, how is everyone tonight? I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

I have a 2nd interview on Monday so things may be looking up here. Hard to believe I haven't vaped since 2/4/23! I sure am thankful for being introduced to vaping way, way back (tthink cartos and the ProVari) and my friends on this site!


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Got a hole in the bottom of one. Had no clue until one day I wondered about why the bottle seemed too empty, and my desk had juice all over. *chuckles* Yep, I can be that dense at times.

Now, I'm kind of on a mission. Need to find bottles that fit SQ mods well. Keep having to finagle a few bottles here and there. Seen some that look a good match, but damned if I'm paying $8 USD per bottle plus $5 to $10 to ship it. Even if I was working and had it, I would not pay it. That's outright robbery, highway or no.

In similar vein, I have a weed eater which cost roughly $400 USD. It is a very reputable WV folk brand name (Stihl). If I need a little silicone rubber bubble for the primer, it would cost me $30 or more to buy a full carburetor kit to replace. Have to watch the fuel doesn't include 10% Ethanol. The ethanol eats rubber.

*realizes he's become a cranky old curmudgeon, shakes head, sighs*
Lol I miss reading your posts, I've been gone for awhile. Do you write books as well?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do like it. Fiddled with the lower contact bar today. It was hard pressing to contact. Doesn't seem springy, but stiff. Got it loose. "Nope, button falls out." Fiddled right back into original shape and will be content.

I'm not springy. Why ought I expect my mod to be? :D

Got one like that with orange panels, and brass frame. Iirc, got it off @gadget!. Need to look at its contact bar as well. Not making contact, or if it is, the RDAs I'm using aren't seating in the 510 connection right. Have noticed the SQs have adjustable 510s. It may be the issue.

ETA: ~ Mar 18, 2023, 19:10:10 EST

Took a look at the orange SQ's contact bar. It indeed was the issue. Fiddled and got it fixed. There is a little more spring in it. Not used it as much yet, younger mods are springy. :)

Do not really name mods. Still, I call the orange one Frank. That's from Marvel Comic's Punisher, who is a character named Frank Castle.
I was told you have to take the contact ass'y apart and pound the bottom contact with something to remake the dimple. I believe it was the wise one @gadget! That I heard this from.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
Lol I miss reading your posts, I've been gone for awhile. Do you write books as well?
Would like to write books, yes. The dream is being able to make that an eight hour a day career. Hide in the background and pound out works like Walter B. Gibson, or being more prolific.

I had a very odd dream/vision where I visited with him once. He had three different cases for traveling. They each held portable Remington typewriters. There were typewriters all over his home, on dressers, on tables, on stands designed custom for him in front of big comfy high back chairs, in his bathrooms, in the kitchen, windowsills.

The man never seemed to stop typing, save for a few moments a day. He pointed to the corners of his living room/parlor. There were cameras attached to automatic guns trained on him. If he stopped typing, they went off trying to get him, or so he said. I watched, he even typed in sleep.

He was the one which gave Lester Dent the Master Plot outline/formula. Dent wrote Doctor Savage, which later went on to inspire and be a template for Super Man. Getting back to Master Gibson, he would write and type on street car trolleys. Often people would hold folios of pages for him as he traveled, collecting them at his destination.

On the day/night I visited, he needed to go see Shelly. Not sure if it was Frankenstein's Shelly or not, she was an older lady who kept shut in. He needed her advice on rare fungus. She kept an observatory at her home and made good use of its gardens to study toxicology. These fungi spores would if mixed with tea leaves come unbound chemically. This made a toxin which remained untraceable.

Master Gibson went to see her by way of trolley. As he did, he placed me in his stead to type at his parlor. There was a quota. You needed to type so many words per fifteen seconds, forget minutes, he blazed 100 words per 15 seconds. I of the "hunt and peck one fingered" typing variety had a real chore. His typing while in transit, though, made up the difference, thankfully. I didn't get shot.

So yes, would love to be able to do that. So far, unable due to life's pressing requirement of stable income, posthaste! Need to have something for day to day, 9-5 and then whilst doing that, sneak writing in during the free spaces, get something marketable "out there" and selling like flapjacks, "wash, rinse, repeat". And trying to stay hidden behind pseudonyms, to just dedicate oneself to producing works, revision, and lobbing them off to an agent/publisher just is highly untenable to but dream about.

I don't want bothered with marketing, "appearing", "touring". No, hire stand-ins for my pseudonyms and make stuff up. Sure, send me the royalties checks, but let me be to create only. The agents & publishers will earn money hand over fist too, so bah, take care of the "business" end and let me "produce" a "product" for you to sell. I'm a carded member of the Autoworker's Union to be sure. I'll make you cars, you sell 'em. :D :)

*smh* Like I said, it's a fucking pipe dream.

By the by, welcome to the warren that is me. These waters lie serenely still, for their depth is unfathomable.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I was told you have to take the contact ass'y apart and pound the bottom contact with something to remake the dimple. I believe it was the wise one @gadget! That I heard this from.

Yep, yep. Read of that as well. The issue I was having though was regarding the upper portion of the contact bar. It was not making contact with the 510 connector nut, ergo, not closing the circuit.

Others may say I mean opening the circuit. Fine, whichever, whatever. I say closing because it closes off the loop for the current. That then gives you currency to power your mod, heat the coil in the atomizer.

They would argue conversely that to not have the circuit whole, closes it, but having it whole opens it. I do it the other way around, just a me-ism. If you don't get a whole circuit, you don't get proper current flow, currency. Least ways, that's how I think of it.

I say to-mat-o and you say pistachio. 6 or half dozen? The cat is skinned, either way.

I just needed to bend the small u shaped bend toward the top of the bar, a tad. This gave the bar a bit more springiness. And with more of that, it was able to reach the 510 connector nut more easily, and fully. It also gives me a bit looser "throw" on the button, making it require less force to push.

Cat Disclaimer: No cats were literally skinned in production of this posting.
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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello squonkers, how is everyone tonight? I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

I have a 2nd interview on Monday so things may be looking up here. Hard to believe I haven't vaped since 2/4/23! I sure am thankful for being introduced to vaping way, way back (tthink cartos and the ProVari) and my friends on this site!
Good luck on your 2nd interview! Best wishes!


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not sure why, but I stopped getting post-notices for this and a couple other threads.
Hope you're all well. Me, still collecting squonkers :cool:
Here's the best and most recent one - mostly I grab older, secondhand mech squonks, but this is brand new. And it's a custom door made for me!flavorking1.jpg


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not sure why, but I stopped getting post-notices for this and a couple other threads.
Hope you're all well. Me, still collecting squonkers :cool:
Here's the best and most recent one - mostly I grab older, secondhand mech squonks, but this is brand new. And it's a custom door made for me!View attachment 203370
Love it!!! I hear nothing but good things, and I have one being made as we speak, can't wait 😍 did you get the 18 or 21?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Love it!!! I hear nothing but good things, and I have one being made as we speak, can't wait 😍 did you get the 18 or 21?
"The King" is an M18 curve - newest model and first one where the box is printed, not metal!
I also already had two M21 curves that are amazing - just a bit heavy for a shirt pocket, lol.
If you like mech squonkers, you'll LOVE your SVB - I'm sure of it!!


  • M21 and cat.jpg
    M21 and cat.jpg
    233.5 KB · Views: 14


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"The King" is an M18 curve - newest model and first one where the box is printed, not metal!
I also already had two M21 curves that are amazing - just a bit heavy for a shirt pocket, lol.
If you like mech squonkers, you'll LOVE your SVB - I'm sure of it!!
I got the m18 curve as well. Definitely excited. He seems to be able to just about anything you want with a door. Said he is not offering extra doors now, but when he gets another shipment in he Definitely will 👍👍


"The Trader"
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Picked this up in a trade from a friend.
Empire Squonk Mod
I'm impressed!
I really like this mod, feels good in the hand and Squonks really well. So far no leaking and I love the way you fill the bottle!
Plus it works really good in temp mode!

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk


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Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

Looked these up. Seems Grimm Green did an excellent job of designing a regulated squonker. May need to eventually get my paws on one, eventually being the optimal word.

The specs & his "endorsement" of them are what "sell" these to me. It isn't either, or in this case rather both, having a presence. Have always thought he did good reviews and knows his sh!+ about it all.


Bronze Contributor
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Coming in to say hi.

Pretty new to squonking,been using RTA and sub-ohm tanks but drop in coils were getting to expensive and RTA are just to finicky when it comes to wicking...and yeah i am not good at wicking.

Subscriber from my channel sent me a care package with a Pulse V2 and a Nitrous RDA and i have been squonking none stop.

Went a little crazy this month and got some more mods and RDA since its always good to have spares.
Nitrous RDA i run with a single coil/single top cap and i switch between the Pulse V2 and V3.

Here i got 3 of them all lined up:


Here in Spain we still got Pulse V2 available even thou they stopped making them,at the moment i got 2 of each (2xV2 and 2xV3),will probably get a couple more V2 before they sell out.

Tried a couple of different RDA i got for review purposes but i always end up coming back to the Nitrous,easy to wick and no hassle.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just wanted to say hi to my favorite thread and some of my favorite people! I hope everyone is going great and enjoying their squonkers! Makes me wonder what the newest thing is now, I know those mech bridges were pretty popular. Whatever gets people off the stink sticks that's for.sure.

I am still off the nicotine and the toughest part is still driving! It's so mundane without a vape
Working and mostly back to normal again. My Wife and I really need to take a trip, somewhere but who doesn't.

Had to stop by, will try to do so again sooner than later.

Thanks for everything VU, this thread is an example of the community here. At least for me as I squonked for a long time.
Anyone that's new to this site and or thread be cool to everyone and you won't believe the amazing people here. I couldn't even name them all as there is a lot of amazing people. There is of course also the OG's I met here and learned from. I am afraid I'll miss someone and you all know who you are from gypsies to gadgeteers to boxers and dubyas and many more you all hold a place in my adventure of being a non-smoker and being nicotine free for the first time in longer than I want to admit.

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