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@f1r3b1rd any chance you have the maganus/freestarre?
Negative, I prefer to build usually
I do; however, have a silo beast and an SOV eclipse both to use either eleaf nickel coils or triton coils.


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damn im trying to find someone with the maganus and who builds their own coils .
I love my subtanks
i even accomplished getting a Ti coil build working in it right now that tastes exactly like the stock OCC kanthal coils. But I have this maganus tank that puts out twice the flavor of a subtank. And while I am using its DVC Ni200 stock coils I would love to have a setup where I can build either a Ti or Ni coil setup that matches the maganus in flavor.

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Roger that, I tend to use rbas/rdas almost all the time. And stick with the subtanks for travel, or backup. -I'm old school, I reckon


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well if you have a silo beast
pick up the maganus DVC Ni200 coils. 99%sure they are all interchangeable with each other. Or even the kanthal versions. Give that a try and then tell me if you can buida ni200 on your billows that matches that flavor intensity

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I'm ok dude, I have Atlantis variations of coils coming out my orifice. And really I enjoy the building. But thanks


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no no no! you are my guinea pig. I need someone to figure this out for me. SO I can just buy the right RTA the first time and know what I am doing with it from day 1. I can send ya one to try.

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I really don't know that they'll fit...
Tell ya what if it'd that important to you, i'll go past the shop tomorrow and give one a shot.


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Anyone know where you can get stainless steel 317L vaping wire? Most vaping shops are carrying 316L. The problem is the TC mods that allow SS are looking for 317L.

If someone knows the coefficient rate for 316L, that would be helpful too

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Anyone know where you can get stainless steel 317L vaping wire? Most vaping shops are carrying 316L. The problem is the TC mods that allow SS are looking for 317L.

If someone knows the coefficient rate for 316L, that would be helpful too
Sorry @Vlad1 I'll try and get those for you before I hit the bed

I could be wrong but I only know of two mods setup to do ss and both let you put in your own tcr to do it.
In the case of the dna200, you can use any wire with a tcr.
What mod is set up for 317l only?
Steam has all of the tcr curves published.
316l is 0.001551 (from what the evolv peaple said)
Or you can use 0.002
I get best results from the 0.002


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well wire wizard say 317L tcr is .00094
while 316L is .000879
and 316 is .000880
and 304 is .001016

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well wire wizard say 317L tcr is .00094
while 316L is .000879
and 316 is .000880
and 304 is .001016
That actually makes more sense right there since the DNA has a minimum integer available of 0.001.. And it can jump at one point.


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Sorry @Vlad1 I'll try and get those for you before I hit the bed

I could be wrong but I only know of two mods setup to do ss and both let you put in your own tcr to do it.
In the case of the dna200, you can use any wire with a tcr.
What mod is set up for 317l only?
Steam has all of the tcr curves published.
316l is 0.001551 (from what the evolv peaple said)
Or you can use 0.002
I get best results from the 0.002

I have the smok xcube 2. It has a standard SS setting, but it's for 317L and is set to .00094. You can change the coefficient, but don't know what to change it to for 316. I have the ud SS wire. At .00094, I get major burnt hits.

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Try 316L is 0 .000879
Or 0.001 or 0.002


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Try 316L is 0 .000879
Or 0.001 or 0.002

Tried it at .000879 and still seemed off, I then moved it to .00076 and it seems perfect. Think the one problem with the xcube 2 is you can't limit the watts in TC mode. You set it to the temperature and then adjusts watts on its own.

How do u like the dna200? Which one do you have? Trying to decide if I should pull the trigger on a dna200 or get the sxmini ml class later this month.

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Love the dna200, have the vapor shark now and the cloudmaker on preorder,
Yihi can blow me if they dont update the M class. Put out a 200 mod then pull this shit 8 months later


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Bought the Sigelei 75w for my most recent mod. On the way. I think TC is Bull Shit. But it's neat. Clouds are fun. I don't know why. Just glad I can blow them. Lungs are important. ;)


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Bought the Sigelei 75w for my most recent mod. On the way. I think TC is Bull Shit. But it's neat. Clouds are fun. I don't know why. Just glad I can blow them. Lungs are important. ;)

I'm not much of a cloud chaser, and I love TC, but the smok xcube2 is awesome for both. Especially when paired with the tfv4 tank. That tank blows massive clouds, even in TC mode. The tri coil and quad coil are absolutely amazing, but they eat juice. originvape sent me a a free six coil head and I can't wait to try it.

Can't beat a dual 18650 160 watt TC mod for $60, especially with all the features that the xcube2 has


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Love the dna200, have the vapor shark now and the cloudmaker on preorder,
Yihi can blow me if they dont update the M class. Put out a 200 mod then pull this shit 8 months later

I'm leaning towards the cloudmaker too. I like the idea of being able to change the chip. Just trying to decide if I want the lipo version that does 200w or the dual 18650 that does 130w. I never go over 40w except for when using the tfv4, and even then I only go to 75-80w

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I'm leaning towards the cloudmaker too. I like the idea of being able to change the chip. Just trying to decide if I want the lipo version that does 200w or the dual 18650 that does 130w. I never go over 40w except for when using the tfv4, and even then I only go to 75-80w
.. the cm comes standard with an 1100 may lipo. The dual 18650 is an add on you can buy, or they are going to have a 1300 expansiom
Hey guys, just read over this forum, trying to answer a question. I think I have the answer, but just want to make sure I got my shit together before I mess up a $180 mod. Just got the Wismec Reuleaux(spelling) DNA 200, and am wondering, if I can input the TCR values into escribe for it so I can run 316L Stainless in temp control? Really interested in messing with some SS, and I know a lot of the newer TC mods are starting to either roll out with SS support, or you can upgrade them so it will work. Thanks for all the input you guys have here, it's really helpful for a newish builder that is interested in getting a job in the near future at one of my local b&m shops!


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Hey guys, just read over this forum, trying to answer a question. I think I have the answer, but just want to make sure I got my shit together before I mess up a $180 mod. Just got the Wismec Reuleaux(spelling) DNA 200, and am wondering, if I can input the TCR values into escribe for it so I can run 316L Stainless in temp control? Really interested in messing with some SS, and I know a lot of the newer TC mods are starting to either roll out with SS support, or you can upgrade them so it will work. Thanks for all the input you guys have here, it's really helpful for a newish builder that is interested in getting a job in the near future at one of my local b&m shops!

Go to steam engine. They support 316/317/304/430. You can download a CVS file to put in your profile. You can put a TCR into the DNA if you want, but use the steam engine curve. Plenty of stuff out there. Steam engine explains stuff. The escribe tutorial you can download from evolve explains a lot. It's easy. Jump on in.
Go to steam engine. They support 316/317/304/430. You can download a CVS file to put in your profile. You can put a TCR into the DNA if you want, but use the steam engine curve. Plenty of stuff out there. Steam engine explains stuff. The escribe tutorial you can download from evolve explains a lot. It's easy. Jump on in.
Thanks, man. Im gonna give it a shot. Unfortunately, we only have Mac's in the house, so I am going to be relying on other people's PC's until I can get windows to run in a bootcamp partition on my macbook. I saw on the evolv forum that they might be coming out with escribe for mac in 4th quarter 2016..


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I was wondering this too... uwell crown coils are ss can theu be run in temp mode? They also have nickel coil heads but i was wondering about the ss... i want 1.

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I was wondering this too... uwell crown coils are ss can theu be run in temp mode? They also have nickel coil heads but i was wondering about the ss... i want 1.

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The consensus is you need to run 304 TCR. It's 101-105. 316,which is what it is is 91. Well... 0.00091. But everyone that runs that says it's too cold. I agree. 304 works well. You need to lock ohms. The coil degrades and ohms wander. The window is so narrow for SS it really throws off TC with the Crown coils and nickle legs. But I run all mine in TC


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Thanks, man. Im gonna give it a shot. Unfortunately, we only have Mac's in the house, so I am going to be relying on other people's PC's until I can get windows to run in a bootcamp partition on my macbook. I saw on the evolv forum that they might be coming out with escribe for mac in 4th quarter 2016..
Once you set your profiles you are done. The only thing that screws you is preheat. Do your self a favor and set up a "soft" and "hard" profile for the coil you want. You can't adjust preheat on the mod. That's what I do. I switch to a soft profile for new coil and go to harder one after it breaks in and gunks up. That will save you trips to the PC.
SS is the way to go why? Works amazing both vw and TC. In vw you get that clean TC style vape for those with out TC Mod. And now that so many mods are adding SS TC it IMO, should be the go to wire. now in TC if you really want accurate Temp you need to see what SS was used for CoEf on mod eg: 304SS 314, 316 317.. tho think most are 304 or 314. That will give you best temp readings for your SS and TC Device. I'm also a huge fan of Ti also a clean smooth flavor and safe to vape. Only wire I try not to use is Nickel as just to many negs and with Ti and SS there is no need. Plus better coils in rba decks with SS and Ti.
For tanks with RBA zephyrus, Uwell Crown, and best and most expensive Smok TFV4 mini but if your a mouth to lung go with TFV4 it has a chamber reducer. If you're on a budget then Zephyrus has a nice included rba deck an hits amazing! Only the uwell Crown doesn't come with rba deck but it's only 8$ @FT.
Now mods new DNA or Smok wood imo are Best if you got $$ but best bang for buck and my fav Joytech 60w/75w using newest firmware (which is another reason as they didn't force their customers to buy a new box they gave updates) like ohhh Aspire Pegasus! And Kanger! Shameless! Though the Smok Wood will be added soon and for all it does not that expensive! And you can get a knock odd DNA but you can get a 60w Joytech an upgrade firmware for $30 and a 75w for $35-40 if you look (mod only) DNA and Smok have best SS accurate Temp Joytech used 304 for CoEf so using 314 will give u a higher temp.

That being said I use all wires just really have fallen out of love of Ni when SS is most versitile vw+tc and TI IMO has better flavor over Ni. But if all you have is an Ni mod still better than analog! And be glad you waited now that some awesome TC mods are out! .

Hope this helps those who were looking to go TC and what RBA and Devices to look at! Trust me you will like all above! K so falling asleep but had to post after reading all the ??? Forgive lack of punc, I'm on cell an half sleep.
I am so confused. 2 days researching online and youtube. Can't find any info. New to tc. Running a cubis tank with ss316 at 1 ohm. What is the max temp I can run with it? Been using around 420-450 but afraid 450 might be too high. I just want to be safe. Please let me know. Thanks.

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I am so confused. 2 days researching online and youtube. Can't find any info. New to tc. Running a cubis tank with ss316 at 1 ohm. What is the max temp I can run with it? Been using around 420-450 but afraid 450 might be too high. I just want to be safe. Please let me know. Thanks.

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Damp cotton won't burn all the way up to 550. I run mine around 500-550 without any problems.

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I am so confused. 2 days researching online and youtube. Can't find any info. New to tc. Running a cubis tank with ss316 at 1 ohm. What is the max temp I can run with it? Been using around 420-450 but afraid 450 might be too high. I just want to be safe. Please let me know. Thanks.

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There are no safety issues involved here, the worst that could happen is that you burn your cotton just a little bit or damage your coil head in extreme cases, nothing to worry about, adjust the temp limit to your liking, cool to warm vape, just work your way up until you reach a level that satisfy your vaping needs!

Also temperature control is just an approximation of the coil temperature, it is not exact, so depending on your settings and a bunch of other factors, most probably the temperature displayed on the screen is not the actual temperature of the coil, just tweak until you get a good vape
There are no safety issues involved here, the worst that could happen is that you burn your cotton just a little bit or damage your coil head in extreme cases, nothing to worry about, adjust the temp limit to your liking, cool to warm vape, just work your way up until you reach a level that satisfy your vaping needs!

Also temperature control is just an approximation of the coil temperature, it is not exact, so depending on your settings and a bunch of other factors, most probably the temperature displayed on the screen is not the actual temperature of the coil, just tweak until you get a good vape
Thanks. That's great news. Still learning. I can't seem to tell. But when temp protect comes on. Does that mean the device is no longer firing? Before bed I was at 450f for a great vape. This morning the temp protection kept coming on. Had to bump up to 500 to get decent vape. Yet it's colder in my house this morning. Odd.

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kim leith

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Thanks. That's great news. Still learning. I can't seem to tell. But when temp protect comes on. Does that mean the device is no longer firing? Before bed I was at 450f for a great vape. This morning the temp protection kept coming on. Had to bump up to 500 to get decent vape. Yet it's colder in my house this morning. Odd.

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Looks like your'e going to have to sleep with your RTA under your pillow. :)
Tank temp changes pretty easy. The chip is doing it's job I guess.


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Temp Protection means that the device is lowering the power output to just maintain the coil temperature on what it is set to until you release the button, it does not totally cut off power, so if you have wattage set for say 40W, when temp protection kicks in the device could lower that to 10-15W just to maintain the current temp of the coil.

Temp protection needs an absolutely stable connections on coil, tank, base and 510, your resistance can not be playing around at rest, this tends to mess it up, also the base resistance which you are supposed to lock needs to be locked at room temp, but yes TC will work differently every now and then because these factors do change, do not deal with it as a very specific formula, it is just a rough approximation of coil's temp.

Take it easy, tweak to your liking, there is not much there to learn about TC, it is a simple function :)
Temp Protection means that the device is lowering the power output to just maintain the coil temperature on what it is set to until you release the button, it does not totally cut off power, so if you have wattage set for say 40W, when temp protection kicks in the device could lower that to 10-15W just to maintain the current temp of the coil.

Temp protection needs an absolutely stable connections on coil, tank, base and 510, your resistance can not be playing around at rest, this tends to mess it up, also the base resistance which you are supposed to lock needs to be locked at room temp, but yes TC will work differently every now and then because these factors do change, do not deal with it as a very specific formula, it is just a rough approximation of coil's temp.

Take it easy, tweak to your liking, there is not much there to learn about TC, it is a simple function :)
Thanks. Best explanation ever.

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[QUOTE are you using spaced or contact for SS TC? [/QUOTE]

You can make them either way, AND they can be used in Power mode too!


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are you using spaced or contact for SS TC?
They must be very well spaced as in having clear spacing between each wrap for best results with TC, the coil needs to heat evenly for TC to work properly and contact coils do heat so much more from the center than they do from the outer ends which makes TC performance inconsistent.


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I am finding that I get the same performance in TC mode with spaced and contact coils.
I'm curious how many people torch their stainless before wrapping coils.
Some say it's fine, others say it causes the formation of chromium hexavalents, etc.
On a side note, I have seen it mentioned several times that Joyetech used 304 to calibrate their original TC function. I have had the VTC mini since it's release and found it was calibrated using 316L. The SS setting was even named "SS 316L". Even the original replacement coils for accompanying tank were 316L.
Kind of a moot point now though. The latest firmwares offer a 316 SS mode and user adjustable TCR's.
I do wonder now that they list everything as 316 if they have changed to 316 from 316L? Minute difference, but just curious.

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