Nice, I love all the perspectives. Just woke up after an afternoon birthday party and had lots of food & drink...Just after my NY trip!
Anyways, that reminded me of the old lady who lived in a shoe...
Instead of children, he had Stingrays!!!
I'm holding off on battery holders (unless a descent MFG makes a 26650!!!)
Got the EMech in, finally. Ordered IPV2 & Sigelei 100w.
I'm waiting on the Orchid clones to come in, and hoping that the KFL+ v2 body fits, or quartz kit?
If this orchids don't fly, I'm hunting deals on copper fogger v4.1's to mix n match for the Ray X....which is trying to leave China at this moment.
I'm really happy the way things went with X. I was about to buy 10 with my money. FastTech offering came out, ordered from FastTech, the order was delayed, and FastTech got the SXK version in time to cancel the first order. No matter what, I can't be upset, I know it's pretty and didn't spend much on it!!!
To be honest, I think I need to step back from looking at hardware deals and concentrate on lowering nic and making new juice recipes. Make a nice Capella order!!!
Really, with the Cana and the Fogger, I couldn't be happier for the daily vape. Magma, plume, & veritas on the Mech...
I am pretty content with what I have and what's coming from overseas.
I know I enjoy getting the vape deal as much as the vape... I want to try and enjoy the vaping without the vaping deals. I may have admitted problem? LOL. After tweaking the Orchids, and sending in the Sigelei payment, I'm going to try to take a hardware break...After buying a few LG HE2's for the EMech. I just came to this conclusion, epiphany, or moment of clarity today. ...I wonder myself if I can do it?
I'll post some likes or gripes on the Ray X when it arrives!!!