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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "Meet Mondo Gecko" Review


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ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Warning: Full spoilers from the episode follow.

This week's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles featured the unlikely team-up of Michelangelo and Casey Jones, who decided to kill time by skating across rooftops (because of course). Of all the show's pairings, we hadn't really seen these two palling around before, so it was to see that here. In hindsight, it seems obvious that the show's two biggest goofs would get along in their downtime.

Indeed, most of the characters were taking some much-deserved time off this week, including the other Turtles, who were kicking back with training exercises, action-figure fights and science projects. Even the baddies were given some R&R this week -- but more on that later.

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