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Texas Rebel Juice


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I always start out reviews with the saying "taste is subjective". Also, I always let my made-to-order juices steep in a cool dark place for at least 3-4 weeks and let the juice breathe overnight before vaping.

I ordered a sampler pack from Texas Rebel Juice consisting of:
Rebel Twinkie
Redneck Zinger
Texas Sweet Teets
Redneck Toothache

I tried the Redneck Zinger first. The flavor description is "Raspberry and Coconut" with a picture of the Zinger cakes, like a raspberry and coconut twinkie if you aren't familiar with them. Well, the flavor was pretty weak at first and then I started to get a slight raspberry taste. No coconut or cake flavor at all. However, there was a predominant chemical taste that's hard to describe. It was kinda harsh and just tasted bad. I tried vaping some more and just couldn't take the chemical taste any longer.

So next up was the Rebel Twinkie. OMG, this stuff is horrible. The chemical taste I mentioned with the Redneck Zinger was all I could taste with this one. It tasted the way that burning hair smells. I dumped this juice immediately.

OK, a few bad juices. It happens, so I loaded up a tank with the Redneck Toothache. I immediately noticed that chemical smell again. GEESH, almost as bad as the Rebel Twinkie.

I popped open the two remaining juices and could smell the chemicals with both. Needless to say, all of these went into the trash. I wasn't taking a chance loading up these juices and then having to turn around and dump them, clean out the tank and coil.

I'm not sure if I got a bad batch or what the deal was. I contacted them and they told me they were sorry the juices were not to my liking and they would give me 40% off my next order if I wanted to try them again. I politely declined and I will NOT be ordering from them again.


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ECF Refugee

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