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The ALEF - About Us


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We welcome you to try our special perfectly blended lines of E-Juice.

our Standards are 70/30 VG/PG (if u want anything else , please state in the order notes)

Lowest Concentrate percentage available on the on the market, ZERO Sweeteners, All of which will keep ur cotton clean for ages!

All of the ingredients are USP GRADE.

Our nicotine is a special US made blend, that provides less throat hit than any other with the same satisfaction.

Our variety is unique, we use 6 brands of flavor concentrates, this mix allows us to get to our perfect unique recipes.

It is worth mentioning our E juices gets provided after being steeped.

You are welcome to try our awesome PERMIUM Israeli craft E-juice and leave us some feedback!




The ALEF Glad to produce! 10% discount all over the site for Vaping Underground Community members

The Coupon Code is:

Best regards, Maor RL from​
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