Hey everybody, so I've been vaping for quite some time and I've done about everything. It has occurred to me though that I've never built my own mod. So I thought to my self I own a lot of much mods, and I love 20700's and got the idea to build a dual 20700 mech mod in parallel. Now this a great idea and all right??? Wrong. I asked around and everybody else thought it was a semi unique idea to build a parallel 20700 mech, but there was only one problem, finding a God damn dual sled... So instead of buying a custom made 3d printed sled I waited, and here we are dual 20700 sleds are now available and now is the chance to build my mech mod, but, I have no idea how. So that's where I need some help I'm gonna need a full in depth tutorial on how to build a dual 20700 pure mech mod wired in parallel. I'm going to know what parts I'm going to need where and who/what I would need to talk to about getting a custom case "this is a must" (I just don't know what company i would need to talk to for a custom metal case.) I need to know what resistors (if any) I need to get, and most importantly how to put it all together. If I'm going to be honest this is probably going to be a pretty lengthy journey not only waiting for a reply but also building it. Thanks.