Yeah, it didn't take long for all the possible innovation to get eaten up, then a bunch of me-too RTA's flooded the market. The Crius, VCMT and Aromamizer V1 set the path for a long line of bullshit that brought absolutely nothing noteworthy or new. There were a few gems, the Herakles RTA, the Boreas/Aromamizer Supreme, then single coil RTA's like the Serpent. But most of everything else was the same rebranded bullshit every week. The vast majority were Crius/Griffin knock-offs, there were a few VCMT imitators like the Kaos Erbus and Kepler Apache, then there were some Aromamizer wannabes like the Trainvape. For the most part, none of these were particularly BAD devices, they just weren't huge improvements (or improvements at all) that warranted purchase over the products they were imitating. Then 25mm RTA's hit and it just reset the cycle, ALL the same shit that came out in the 22mm market was now being made 25mm. This was good for about two weeks, then it became the same deal. Same shit, different day. Out of ALL this bullshit, from the post-Crius V3/VCMT 25/30mm/Aromamizer V1 designs, here are the ten RTA's out so far I feel are worth it ranked in order of my personal liking.
1. Augvape Boreas (Best RDTA design for heat and clouds)
2. Herakles RTA-1/RTA-2 (Best normal RTA design for heat and clouds)
3. Aromamizer Supreme (Best RDTA design for flavor)
4. Sigelei Moonshot (Best small RTA design for flavor)
5. Wotofo Serpent / Serpent Mini (Best (current) Single-Coil RTA out)
6. Diablo RTA (Best small RTA in terms of ease of use)
7. Wotofo Conqueror (Best postless RTA out)
8. Augvape Alleria (Best dual coil full-sized 22mm RTA for flavor)
9. Kepler Apache RTA (Best 25mm normal RTA out in terms of deck size and ease of filling)
10. UD EZ-RTA (Best RTA out in terms of ease of building)
I feel that (in terms of what is currently available to the retail market) virtually everything else isn't highly innovative or worth buying. I didn't include the Merlin as I have no idea how it works, what it looks like and it's not current available to us.
For every tank I just listed (almost) there's an alternative(s), but in my opinion the one's I listed did it best, for the best price.
1. Boreas alternative: Modfather RDTA
2. Herakles RTA-1/RTA-2 alternative: Griffin 25/Gemini 25/+ More
3. Aromamizer Supreme alternative: Smok TF-RDTA
4. Sigelei Moonshot alternative: Aromamizer V2
5. Wotofo Serpent / Serpent Mini alternative: Bachelor / Bachelor Nano RTA/+ More
6. Diablo RTA alternative: Several 'Mini' RTA designs
7. Wotofo Conqueror alternative: Hannya Blitz RTA
8. Augvape Alleria alternative: TF-RTA G2/Griffin 22/Gemini 22/+ More
9. Kepeler Apache RTA alternative: Kaos Erbus RTA/25mm VCMT
10. UD EZ-RTA: N/A
For N/A that means there either isn't CURRENTLY an alternative for it or I don't know of it. But most every RTA out has more than one alternative, which is exactly the problem. If you want to flood the market with stuff, expect innovation to get really thin, more me-too stuff comes out than actual gems worth buying.