Oof, sorry to hear all that. My packaging was bubble-wrapped and secure, the HV in a separate baggie sealed and shut, also in bubble wrap. That's... hmmph, that's how I know I need to curb my recommendation sprees. Sorry to hear!
I'll say that vaping it straight, about half way through the second day I was vaping paper flavored air. Had to switch it up a bit, I must have grown accustomed to it. I've added it into a couple recipe bottles now with other Vanillas, bakery flavors and creams and I'm still on the 'It's SO good' boat - I may not be doing much in the way of single-flavor vaping of it, though.
On the other hand, I very recently got the flavors I missed to whip up GOC proper, and yeah, that's a good tasting vape no matter how you look at it. Introduced me to Graham Cracker as well, that'll be finding its way into a bunch of stuff in the future I'm sure.
Again, I feel bad recommending it like I did. I'll be sure to tone down my spastic recommendations in the future, haha!
edit: Right now I'm vaping a new mix I did with it, 3% CAP French Vanilla, 2% Holy Vanilla, 2% CAP Yellow Cake, 0.5% of FW Graham Cracker and CAP Butter Cream each. It's fantastic, but... erm... don't take my word for it!