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The Good Old Times


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Meet Zippy the Monkey, a beloved stuffed animal from the classic American children's TV show "The Howdy Doody Show" (1947-1960). This charming rubber-faced chimpanzee doll was first produced in the 1950s and later re-released in the 1960s and 1970s by various toy companies, including the notable Rushton doll company.

May be an image of 1 person and toy


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I don't think I ever rode Sandy, but my younger siblings did (when Mom was in a good mood as we left the grocery store). I was "spoilt" and made my mom drive me to the horse rental place near us so I could ride a REAL horse for a couple of hours. It was a dollar an hour then. Started out at 50 cents, but went up almost as soon as I became a regular. I always thought it was a conspiracy. My favorite ride was an Appaloosa gelding named Joker. :)

LOL! You had to get the soles of your shoes "just wet enough," but not "TOO wet." It definitely was a skill!

Who remembers

May be an image of measuring stick and towel rack

Stilts! My dad had some just like those that he made. He was brilliant on them, but I kept falling off. They don't call me "Grace" fer nuthin, you know. ;)


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
May be an image of 2 people, seaplane and text that says 'Sky King If IfYou Watched this n Saturday Mornings Sa foglice bied Your OLD!!! YourOLD!!! OLD''Sky King If IfYou Watched this n Saturday Mornings Sa foglice bied Your OLD!!! YourOLD!!! OLD'

good old show

Never missed an episode, and I got to meet Sky King in person one time. He scared the living daylights out of me (I was still pretty little and he was very tall), and I cried the whole time, but I did get to meet my idol, LOL!

Yup, I'd most definitely do it !!

Would you?

I wonder what percentage of the population today has never heard of hop-scotch?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Hell, I cut up my face a time or two with one of them.
My dad would let me "pretend" shave with one (but without the blade) I felt so grown up using the shaving cream and learning to shave. That reminds me of a thing we did that was so fun... a large piece of cardboard with holes cut out for your head and arms (except it was actually one kids head and another kids arms) The kid with the arms could not see what they were doing and it was hilarious to watch them try to shave and brush the teeth of the other kid. To keep it fair, we would switch places. I think we used whipped cream instead of shaving cream cause it could get in your eyes.

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