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Oh, dear. This may be a time for desperate measures ... like seeking him out where he lives. I hesitate to think of it, but reddit? :eek:

Here's his hangout:

My best, as always. :)
Unfortunately he has been absent from Reddit for a few weeks as well. I've had great luck with him responding to emails but it might have just been good timing. I can't imagine his inbox. I can't keep up with mine (notice the 6 day delay in responding to Rin's comment).

@Rin Vapes, I'm sorry your order didn't work out. PP might be the best recourse. He shipped my order in a reasonable time and was nice enough to give me a store credit (that was ballpark equal to my entire order) BUT the store credit doesn't work. I'm done with the hassle. It sounds like ordering from ECX is the best way to go. I'm so glad @Donovan (ECX Flavor Lab) started carrying them. I'm building an ECX order and will scoop up a couple new MF flavors for sure.

Rin Vapes

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He didn't ignore my email but he claimed a couple week's ago that he "was out of the country and would be mailing my items within the next few days". I still have nothing from him. So after a week, I filed a dispute/claim with Paypal to which he hasn't even responded to that. I believe the cut off it November 28. I understand if he has a normal job and is busy... But if that's the case, don't do side jobs if you can't handle them. People pay for products and they deserve them in a timely manner.
I will be placing an order with ECX, even though I sworn them off too for a separate issue (that has yet to be resolved) but they don't have one of the flavors I wanted. So I may be waiting on that. It's not a big deal. I have 250+ flavors so I'm not lacking but I just want my money back at this point

**Back on topic.. A friend bought a few flavors from ECX and he likes them so far. He used 1/2 percent. (Strawberry)

Donovan (ECX Flavor Lab)

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I will be placing an order with ECX, even though I sworn them off too for a separate issue (that has yet to be resolved) but they don't have one of the flavors I wanted.

We usually resolved issues in a timely manner. Shoot me a message with what happened, and what flavor you are looking for, and I'll see what I can do for you.

And I see you on youtube ;)
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ECX has MF marked down to $7.99 for 5ml for Black Friday. Fair warning, that site is bogged down bad right now. Every click was taking 30-60 seconds.


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ECX has MF marked down to $7.99 for 5ml for Black Friday. Fair warning, that site is bogged down bad right now. Every click was taking 30-60 seconds.

I gave up after my cart was emptied twice.
They had a lot of FW flavors on sale .98 for 10ml, then they jumped to 1.40.
Some INW and others were on sale too.


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Don't forget your "underground10" coupon code I just finished placing a order. It took awhile to get it placed.
I always forget that!!! Now if I could just get to my cart. Bogged down is putting it mildly!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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Don't forget your "underground10" coupon code I just finished placing a order. It took awhile to get it placed.
Doh. I didn't know about that one. Good looking out though and thanks for next time!

I gave up after my cart was emptied twice.
They had a lot of FW flavors on sale .98 for 10ml, then they jumped to 1.40.
Some INW and others were on sale too.
I had to build the order twice. Took FOREVER. I was mainly getting INW for $2.09. Didn't shop around for FW though. Already looking at dropping $200 this week w that Liquid Barn sale coming up. :eek: but honey, I'm saving money.


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I always forget that!!! Now if I could just get to my cart. Bogged down is putting it mildly!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Just open BCV in another tab and shop there while ECX loads. Sure fire way to spend too much.


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Just open BCV in another tab and shop there while ECX loads. Sure fire way to spend too much.
Oh I spent too much at ECX! Seriously, the number of flavors I have is ridiculous... Like I needed more! But I did.... Really I did

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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I gave up after my cart was emptied twice..

This is one reason I don't shop there more often, that and the overall slowness of the site. This has been brought to their attention mutiple times yet it has yet to be addressed unfortunately. I know you can use a wish list but that's just ignoring the real problem imo. I don't think it's too much to ask that a website nowadays be easy to navigate and use to make purchases.


Diamond Contributor
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This is one reason I don't shop there more often, that and the overall slowness of the site. This has been brought to their attention mutiple times yet it has yet to be addressed unfortunately. I know you can use a wish list but that's just ignoring the real problem imo. I don't think it's too much to ask that a website nowadays be easy to navigate and use to make purchases.
yeah I don't even bother with them half the time the flavors you want are out of stock...screw it...why waste your time.


Member For 4 Years
Doh. I didn't know about that one. Good looking out though and thanks for next time!

I had to build the order twice. Took FOREVER. I was mainly getting INW for $2.09. Didn't shop around for FW though. Already looking at dropping $200 this week w that Liquid Barn sale coming up. :eek: but honey, I'm saving money.
Hi. do you use any of the LB flavorings? I'm looking at getting some if you have any input. I'm looking at root beer, sherbert, coconut milk, and butterscotch graham tob. I can't really find feedback info on LB besides the nic. Thanks either way.

I've got some MF coming, watermelon, pear, vanilla, and strawberry. I'll report back on them. WM will be here fri but I just ordered the others last night.

Flavor Alchemist

Member For 4 Years
Hi. do you use any of the LB flavorings? I'm looking at getting some if you have any input. I'm looking at root beer, sherbert, coconut milk, and butterscotch graham tob. I can't really find feedback info on LB besides the nic. Thanks either way.

I've got some MF coming, watermelon, pear, vanilla, and strawberry. I'll report back on them. WM will be here fri but I just ordered the others last night.
Just ordered some LB flavors, as a matter of fact.....Website has % recommendations, and you can also go to EliquidRecipes to see some user %s as well......That rainbow sherbert you mentioned (one I ordered)....a guy there mixed it at 20% standalone.......If you want, let's keep each other posted on results............:)


Diamond Contributor
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does anybody actually use MF or do they just buy them....I haven't seen anybody here talk about there expericne using them,precentages quality of flavor,comparisson to other flavorings......

Flavor Alchemist

Member For 4 Years
does anybody actually use MF or do they just buy them....I haven't seen anybody here talk about there expericne using them,precentages quality of flavor,comparisson to other flavorings......
Check out the website of EcigExpress.....go to the flavoring section and click on Lotus Flavors.....These are made by Medicine Flower....There are a couple of user reviews there.......In particular, I believe ProVapes speaks to his experience and a couple of mentions of drops (percentafe).....a couple of other reviews there as well........They are fairly new in availability on EcigExpress.....and it is mentioned that these flavors will definitely need to be steeped.....guessing that several got em
in steep now........


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This is one reason I don't shop there more often, that and the overall slowness of the site. This has been brought to their attention mutiple times yet it has yet to be addressed unfortunately. I know you can use a wish list but that's just ignoring the real problem imo. I don't think it's too much to ask that a website nowadays be easy to navigate and use to make purchases.

Today I can't even Log in, tried a new/different browser too.


Member For 4 Years
Just ordered some LB flavors, as a matter of fact.....Website has % recommendations, and you can also go to EliquidRecipes to see some user %s as well......That rainbow sherbert you mentioned (one I ordered)....a guy there mixed it at 20% standalone.......If you want, let's keep each other posted on results............:)
ok. I'm still debating getting them. I probably will get those 4 though.


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Hi. do you use any of the LB flavorings? I'm looking at getting some if you have any input. I'm looking at root beer, sherbert, coconut milk, and butterscotch graham tob. I can't really find feedback info on LB besides the nic. Thanks either way.

I've got some MF coming, watermelon, pear, vanilla, and strawberry. I'll report back on them. WM will be here fri but I just ordered the others last night.
Awesome. I have vanilla and strawberry but let me know how watermelon and pear work out.

I have not tried any LB Flavors yet. They aren't very high on my radar at the moment tbh.

I would like the MF pineapple at ECX.

Apparently I don't like any pineapple flavorings, PM me if you want to grab up the MF Pineapple dilution I have. I think I have a FA Pineapple I'll throw in.

does anybody actually use MF or do they just buy them....I haven't seen anybody here talk about there expericne using them,precentages quality of flavor,comparisson to other flavorings......

I don't even vape any more. I'm just trying to collect the complete set of flavorings.

Out of the 11 MF flavors I have, White Cherry, Dark Chocolate and White Chocolate are the 3 I wouldn't want to be without. I can't compare them to other flavors because I'm unaware of any that are comparable.

Strawberry is showing promise but I have only tested it standalone. It's almost too realistic, down to the slightly green core taste at the end of the exhale. I don't think that part will show up in a mix though. The first 90% of the exhale is damn tasty. Mixed it at 2% standalone with a good shake and vaped it fresh. I haven't tried Blueberry yet but it smells great. Again, super realistic.

I love the taste of MF Vanilla but it's too easily bullied in a mix for me. I've settled on TFA Vanilla Bean Gelato as my vanilla for mixes. Almost as realistic (my version of realistic anyway) and stands up to other flavors better. Plus it's easier to get and cheaper.

MF White Peach is great but I have other peaches that are great too (FA White Peach, FA Peach and FLV Peach @ 1:1:1 is the trifecta). I want to do a head to head with MF White Peach and FA White Peach to really see exactly what is different but just haven't had time. Had another 50 or so flavors show up in the past week so tests like that get pushed back.

My take on MF so far is that it makes FA taste fake. I don't like some of the MF flavors I have (Pineapple, Guava and Blackberry off the top of my head) but that's just me not liking those flavors in general and/or not taking the time to figure out the right percentage yet. The blackberry definitely will end up in a mix, just not up front. Some people don't like realistic flavorings in their juice. Those people will not like MF.

Is it worth the price and hassle? That's a call I can't make for anyone else but they are natural flavorings, they are realistic (sometimes to a fault) and they are damn potent. I've found Strawberry and Vanilla workable up to 2% but the rest work at 1% or less (coming from someone who rarely steeps). I'll go check my notes and post an easy MF recipe that a friend can't get enough of.


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A good friend stealth vapes at work. He asked if I could make a lightly flavored mix that wouldn't get him busted so I tested this on him. It's become his ADV and he's been getting 4oz at a time ever since.

Mixed at 50VG / 50PG for less clouds

0.4% MF White Cherry
0.1% MF Mint


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I don't even vape any more. I'm just trying to collect the complete set of flavorings.

Wait - HUH? Are you serious? What do you use them for? Mixing vapes for friends or some non-vape related thing? When did you quit vaping?


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Wait - HUH? Are you serious? What do you use them for? Mixing vapes for friends or some non-vape related thing? When did you quit vaping?
Lmao. Gotcha! Totally not serious. I vape every chance I get. Been mixing like a madman too. Well, I am serious about collecting the complete set of flavors.
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Member For 4 Years
Awesome. I have vanilla and strawberry but let me know how watermelon and pear work out.

With watermelon, I'm not sure yet. It's there, but so far, not worth the price. I either need to go higher or lower. Or let it age more. I think I'd rather have a combo of other wm flavors. I started at 4 drops per 10 mil, about 1%. I've started just measuring by volume after wm and pear, but haven't gotten to try the straw yet. Van is great by itself. The pear is good. It's a Bosc pear to me. It was great right off, about 4 drops/10 ml, but has dropped off some. I don't know if I need more or not. I'm sure you've seen where Abdaba was saying they fade or get weird, then come back great after 2-3 weeks. I'm mixing 70vg. I started where I did on wm based off ecx reviews. I'll have to go back and measure accurately and start at .5. I just started trying the white cherry, at .5. I love it. I'll probably go higher on that. I could vape that by itself, no problem. I got a 15ml of that off Amazon. I've since seen someone post this if you know you want 15ml's of something. Use coupon code GEB10 for 10% off and free shipping. Comes out to 19.80. This is where the bottle from amazon ending up coming from anyway. (edit- a good weight for these seems to be about 1.06 g/ml. Thanks to Notcharlesmanson on reddit for that)
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Flavor Alchemist

Member For 4 Years
@SixFiveLive .......OK man, You mention that the Vanilla is great by itself.....What was your % for that flavor?.....Steep time?......I got that along with Watermelon, Strawberry, and White Peach......Gonna mix my first one's tomorrow......How long did you steep before your first tastings?......Curious phenomenon with fading, and then coming back.....Hmmmmmm.....wondering if that is indicating a requirement for a long steep time......?......I blend at 40/60, and am dabbling in the 30/70 range, as well.....Flavorwise, do you prefer a BOLD taste or lighter taste in your vapes?


Member For 4 Years
@SixFiveLive .......OK man, You mention that the Vanilla is great by itself.....What was your % for that flavor?.....Steep time?......I got that along with Watermelon, Strawberry, and White Peach......Gonna mix my first one's tomorrow......How long did you steep before your first tastings?......Curious phenomenon with fading, and then coming back.....Hmmmmmm.....wondering if that is indicating a requirement for a long steep time......?......I blend at 40/60, and am dabbling in the 30/70 range, as well.....Flavorwise, do you prefer a BOLD taste or lighter taste in your vapes?
I did van at 1%, but I think I'll try 2%. I'll try it in some mixes at around 1. I tried them right away, and now, a few days later. I didn't get much from wm right away. Its not unheard of for flavor to act that way (being there, then not, then back again), though I've mostly experienced it with NET's (naturally extracted tobaccos). Now that I think about it, these flavors are kind of like net's, more than a lot of the stuff we're used to using. Just way stronger. I have seen it mentioned that some of them require a long steep. I'd say I prefer medium to bold flavor strength. I didn't end up getting the Liquid Barn flavors now btw. I might still try some in the future, but I have too much to play with for now, and other things higher on my list to try.

Flavor Alchemist

Member For 4 Years
I did van at 1%, but I think I'll try 2%. I'll try it in some mixes at around 1. I tried them right away, and now, a few days later. I didn't get much from wm right away. Its not unheard of for flavor to act that way (being there, then not, then back again), though I've mostly experienced it with NET's (naturally extracted tobaccos). Now that I think about it, these flavors are kind of like net's, more than a lot of the stuff we're used to using. Just way stronger. I have seen it mentioned that some of them require a long steep. I'd say I prefer medium to bold flavor strength. I didn't end up getting the Liquid Barn flavors now btw. I might still try some in the future, but I have too much to play with for now, and other things higher on my list to try.
That's cool.....Somewhere I read that Vanilla is a bit weaker than the fruits and that starting % was in the neighborhood of I think you may be heading in the right direction with that one, based on my own research......which is where I will start with mine (vanilla, that is)......Will prolly begin my fruits in the 1% range........Liquid Barn flavors.....yeah a couple steeping now....10 ml bottles Rainbow Sherbet..(has alcohol in it).....need to get rid of the alcohol.....also steeping Pacific Cooler......interesting smell to it......again, 10 ml......2 bottles each......both at 50/50 and 40/60.....will go into 30/70 after tasting the resultant blends.........I am a bold flavor chaser, myself.....LemoDrop, and Goblin Mini I gotta keep an eye on wicking as I venture into the 30/70 mixes.....:)


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D'oh! Yep, you totally got me. LOL

;) :D

With watermelon, I'm not sure yet. It's there, but so far, not worth the price. I either need to go higher or lower. Or let it age more. I think I'd rather have a combo of other wm flavors. I started at 4 drops per 10 mil, about 1%. I've started just measuring by volume after wm and pear, but haven't gotten to try the straw yet. Van is great by itself. The pear is good. It's a Bosc pear to me. It was great right off, about 4 drops/10 ml, but has dropped off some. I don't know if I need more or not. I'm sure you've seen where Abdaba was saying they fade or get weird, then come back great after 2-3 weeks. I'm mixing 70vg. I started where I did on wm based off ecx reviews. I'll have to go back and measure accurately and start at .5. I just started trying the white cherry, at .5. I love it. I'll probably go higher on that. I could vape that by itself, no problem. I got a 15ml of that off Amazon. I've since seen someone post this if you know you want 15ml's of something. Use coupon code GEB10 for 10% off and free shipping. Comes out to 19.80. This is where the bottle from amazon ending up coming from anyway. (edit- a good weight for these seems to be about 1.06 g/ml. Thanks to Notcharlesmanson on reddit for that)

Yay another White Cherry believer! Wanna start a cult? I use it from 0.5-1.2% and I have had trouble finding any other flavors that improve it. I've tried a handful of things with it and most make it worse instead of better.

Thanks for the heads up on that coupon code! That is where I'll order 15s if I ever need them.

NCM just started messing with MF but he's been testing them pretty heavily. Keep an eye out for him to post notes on 4 MF flavors over there.

@SixFiveLive .......OK man, You mention that the Vanilla is great by itself.....What was your % for that flavor?.....Steep time?......I got that along with Watermelon, Strawberry, and White Peach......Gonna mix my first one's tomorrow......How long did you steep before your first tastings?......Curious phenomenon with fading, and then coming back.....Hmmmmmm.....wondering if that is indicating a requirement for a long steep time......?......I blend at 40/60, and am dabbling in the 30/70 range, as well.....Flavorwise, do you prefer a BOLD taste or lighter taste in your vapes?
Start at 2% with vanilla for medium strength flavor. Same with Strawberry but slightly stronger. 1% for everything else except watermelon. I don't know that one.

Donovan (ECX Flavor Lab)

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Greetings connoisseurs!

We have 21 more flavors coming in hot, so keep your eyes peeled.

Black Cherry
Black Currant
Golden Apple
Green Apple
Green Tea
Tropical Fruit
White Cherry
White Chocolate
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Silver Contributor
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Greetings connoisseurs!

We have 21 more flavors coming in hot, so keep your eyes peeled.

Black Cherry
Black Currant
Golden Apple
Green Apple
Green Tea
Tropical Fruit
White Cherry
White Chocolate
My man! Nice! Thank you!


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I don't know all of MF flavorings have an undertaste of old gym socks to me.
Haha maybe the Blueberry. But at least it's not like FA Bilberry where the gym sock is front and center.

MF Blueberry is a strange one. Very dark, a little sweet and strong as hell. Not as realistic as other MF flavors to me. I kept using less (trying to pair it with CAP Golden Pineapple) and got bored with the profile before I found an amount of BB that didn't completely over power 4% of the GP.

Semi Reduction

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Really digging MF flavours so far. What I'd like to see them bring out is a rum and raisin flavour, or at least a Raisin flavour that I can work with that doesn't smell like old socks, which is what TFA Raisin smells like, even at less than 0.5%

Semi Reduction

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Raisins should smell like fruit. When I used to skateboard everyday, as much as I thought my socks smelt like fruit, my family seemed to think they smelt more like TFA raisin

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