A couple of weeks ago we had a look at the bigger version of this, the 28mm Nightmare. This time around its the turn of the 25mm Nightmare V2 "Mini"
00:00 - Intro and specs
03:00 - Close Up
20:00 - Vape
22:00 - Thoughts
Social Media - https://linktr.ee/vapingwithvic
Rumble - https://rumble.com/v5933b9-the-nigh...e-brother-of-the-28m.html?mref=z0wfa&mc=kybb8
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00:00 - Intro and specs
03:00 - Close Up
20:00 - Vape
22:00 - Thoughts
Social Media - https://linktr.ee/vapingwithvic
Rumble - https://rumble.com/v5933b9-the-nigh...e-brother-of-the-28m.html?mref=z0wfa&mc=kybb8
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