I dont get much vape mail these days. I found my perfect all day set up, so I stopped buying stuff a long while ago. Gone are the days of getting 2-3 packages a day, every single day for weeks on end lool. Kinda miss it tbh, getting packages is kinda addicting, like christmas everyday.
But I do still gotta get juice, and tonight I got this in the mail (well mostly anyway). 3 bottles of Five Fold Carnival. 360ml of delicious goodness. 120ml of 3mg, 120ml of 1.5mg, and 120ml of 0mg. I actually got 2 bottles in the mail (3mg and 0mg) but I immediately mixed half of each together to make another bottle of 1.5mg, and then topped off each bottle with what I had left over in my other bottles. Came out damn near perfect for 3 whole bottles. Youd think this would last me a while, but Carnival is so fuckin good I might need to order in a week or 2 lol.