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The official VAPE MAIL!!!!!!! thread

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Member For 5 Years
On my list of things I'd like to have one day, but unless I found it in like a garage sale or something, it's way outta my range. Very intriguing design and very widely esteemed. Maybe one of the good clones if the right deal came along.
Every once in a while you can find a clone with goodies pop up for $60-$70.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


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Member For 4 Years
Any leaking?
I wanted to follow up on @Theboss ' question of the OFRF sub-ohm tank leaking. I said previously I got it to stop by tightening the tank but picked it up yesterday and it was leaking badly again. I pulled the SS coil out and found the problem; damaged o-ring. I put the Kanthal coil in and haven't had any leaking so far. Great taste if you can keep the juice in the tank.
oring1.jpg oring2.jpg

Just Frank

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Eightvape had Nova Kits on sale for $20. I like the ones I have so I got a couple of more.
I haven't had a Cobalt resin version before but it's my favorite.
The other is black/flare resin.

Aspire Athos 5 bucks each.

Free Joyetech Cubis-

Wismec Lux. Surface (Unistar)-

I wasn't planning on using the tank that came with it. But looking at it, got me curious. I'll end up trying it out at some point. But I got it for the mod mostly.

Size comparison vs Aspire Feedlink-
It's pretty small. The bottle is really crammed in there.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
How do you do it? Is there a certain gloss you coat it with?

is the surface smooth and flat ? no need to coat it with anything. . sanding, if needed, and buffing or polishing. it WILL look like glass.
or get the micromesh like Manny uses. but really, I think hand polishing with rubbing compound will do it.

if you have or can borrow a high speed buffer. 15-20 min's, if that, and GLASS. I have a 8" high speed buffer. = but you have to be VERY VERY CAREFULL. or else it will be F'd up.

Just Frank

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
but really, I think hand polishing with rubbing compound will do it.
So what you're telling me is, I can rub a little VG on it with an old sock and it'll be good to go? Lol kiddin. I might sed what I can find and mess with an older one. Half of them have those grooves carved in them. But the other ones have pretty flat surfaces on the resin part. It's weird, I usually never know if they'll come flat or groovey. Maybe it's in the descriptions but I dunno.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
So what you're telling me is, I can rub a little VG on it with an old sock and it'll be good to go? Lol kiddin.

I might sed what I can find and mess with an older one. Half of them have those grooves carved in them. But the other ones have pretty flat surfaces on the resin part. It's weird, I usually never know if they'll come flat or groovey. Maybe it's in the descriptions but I dunno.

you can laugh. but honestly, that would work to a certain extent.

you can sand out the glooves fairly easy, if you want. or just polish em.

blue painters tape, VERY accurately applied. a microfiber cloth, rubbing compound and elbow grease.
oh, and a vape while your doing that, lol.


"The Trader"
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I got the Doom mesh RTA today.
Put a mesh strip in it and wicked it up, no leaking, fires up instantly, and I've chain vaped it and not one dry hit!


Sent from a Galaxy far far away!
I spoke to soon!
I'm getting dry hits like crazy!
I've re-wicked 3 times now and it seems like shortly after the juice from the wicking process gets used up I start getting dry hits.
I'm sure it's wicking but I've searched YouTube and everyone of them have a different technique.

I'll update when I get it figured out if I do.

It is just not wicking right.

Sent from a Galaxy far far away!
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