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First I want to say I DID receive my order but I was extremely surprised that I did. I found the site from a Google search and went from there. They had great prices and salt juice samples. I put a few things in my cart and proceeded to checkout. I put in all my info and paid with a debit card. I was looking for them to send some kind of receipt in my mail. Nothing was sent,after 2 days I emailed them asking them to confirm my order,I got no response. That's when I started worrying. 5 days after I placed my order I tried emailing them again,this time telling them to cancel my order and to return my funds. Knowing that wouldn't happen,I went to my bank to start a dispute. When I got home the package was in my mailbox. Then I had to call the bank to stop the dispute. That's no way to handle your business,they had absolutely no customer service. Has anyone else ever have to deal with anything like that? I sent them a mail telling them I won't shop with them again because of no service. I would love to hear from them and get an assurance that they will fix their obvious problem. Hope this helps warn someone and I hope someone from there reads this cause apparently they didn't read my mails.


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That is some weird shit right there.
They had your email address but never contacted you about the shipping, tracking info, etc... Nothing?

So, You are sitting there thinking you got ripped off because you haven't heard shit back from the vendor 5 days after ordering.
In fact, You tried contacting them and didn't even get a response.
Then you go to do a chargeback and the stuff shows up?

WTF kind of vendor is this?:gaah:
That is EXACTLY what happened. Like I said,I'm not trying to rip on anybody. As a matter of fact I would love to shop with them,their prices are great lol But I just can't do business like that.

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