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This or That - Game


Cranky Old Fart
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top grain

real or artificial Christmas tree?


Cranky Old Fart
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Decorate (wife's doing it now)

LED or traditional lights?


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LED (though all I have are traditional. You know, one light goes out, they all go out... :mad:)

Morning or night person?


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ROTFL (thinks "exhausted from posting" would better fit than ignorant)

Ham or Turkey for Thanksgiving?

I read an article by Jimi about how turkeys are raised, and I doubt I’ll ever eat one again! Ham is okay, though. Maybe chicken or duck?

Lamb or pork? (The really other white meat! Lol )


Platinum Contributor
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Both, and a shit ton ;)

Turkey: smoked, fried or oven?

Btw, I would not eat a piece of oven baked turkey, straight to the dog. Fried, eh, ok. Smoked with the right wood, I would eat that all day long ;):)


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Cassia (after 5 minutes of reading it seems this is the only one I have tried though not as good for me as the other)

Staying home with family all night or catching the early bird Black Friday sales?


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Wings (unless it's fried, I normally go for the dark meant though)

Watch NFL today or other activities?


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Cassia (after 5 minutes of reading it seems this is the only one I have tried though not as good for me as the other)

Staying home with family all night or catching the early bird Black Friday sales?

Ceylon is pretty tasty though, imho.


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Any other activities at all instead of sports. No, actually I can watch English League Football for a while.

“Natural” peanut butter (the kind that separates) or regular peanut butter?


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Neither... I use a USB flash drive with all my favorite mp3s.... (but if I had to choose it would be CDs)

Do you use your cell phone for mostly texting or talking on the phone?


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Text. Ain't nobody got time for that! (Talking)

Custard vape or not? So many love, I have tried a billion times over, just not for me.


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I love my custards but normally with a fruit additive.

honey BBQ or smokey BBQ?


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Love the Carolina Reaper sauces.... Has flavor and the burn....

meatloaf or chopped steak?


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Scrambled (Can't do over easy without breaking the yoke 50% of the time.... Easier to do sunny side up and flick oil over the yoke with the spatula)

Hot egg and cheese sandwich or egg salad sandwich?

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