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Tigertek NARA RDA 25mm $25.5

3Avape Official

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Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
Tigertek NADA RDA, the collaboration of VapnFagan& TigerTek, is the newest rebuild-able dripper atomize with 25mm diameter and low profile 810 delrin drip tip. The NARA RDA features the precise adjustable side and bottom airflow design with 3 sets of air plug screws, which could provide you more airflow control options.


Together with the unique drop post design and the large post screws, it’s very easy to fasten coils. Plus the 10mm deep juice well and an extra squonk pin, the Tigertek NADA RDA will be an ultimately great vaping device for most DIY lovers.


Diameter: 25mm
Material: Stainless Steel
Thread: 510
10mm deep juice well

-Adjustable side& bottom airflow
-Squonk pin included
-Easy to build and wick
-Different style post screws included
-3 sets of air plug screws
(2.5mm/ 1.5mm/ solid) provide more airflow control options.

Package includes:
1x Tigertek NADA RDA
(with 810 Delrin Drip tip)
1x 810 PCTG Drip tip
1x 510 Adaptor
1x Squonk Pin
1x 3 Sets of Air Plug screws
( 2.5mm/ 1.5mm /Solid)
1x Accessory Bag

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