He's right about the racist/color/gtfo parts. I'm more disturbed - which is a weak, polite word - by people that want to treat the Const/BOR and oaths as quaint, antiquated, and "more like GUIDELINES, really". The same folks that legislate from the bench, and - collectively - the entire spectrum that weasel-words bills with multiple riders just as weasel-worded, (I am looking at everyone in congress - yer none of youse immune, biotch).
More and more, I not only refuse to read shit so worded, but also riders, and even moreso the negative-positive language inversions. Every goddamned thing they do manage to pass needs a sunset of no more than 4 years. These clowns are elected every 2, presidents every 4, and pres are LIMITED at 8 - while these assclowns can ride forever.
Frankly, every one of these jokers playing the race/color/gender/hyphenated cards needs to be shot between the eyes: yer either HERE and Citizen, or NOT. You are supposed to REPRESENT constituents - not your RACE, SEX, GENDER, RELIGION, etc... You are either there for US, or yer a damned traitor - and yes, traitors can elect traitors due to their crazy gerrymandering/megaplex insanities.
THe const is the granite; the BOR is the bedrock - and you don't get to redefine words, meanings, etc.. Even the supremes are damned careful to word their "interpretations" - and there are a ton of scholars and readers of FF documents.. THey didn't manage to make those disappear fast enough.