The MSM has not got out of full on attack Trump mode, it's too profitable for them, but the knife has a dual edge, with every dig taken out of context and every sensational news article which is proven false, the MSM is inflicting the death of a thousands cuts on themselves.
The liberal MSM will stop at nothing to harm and discredit Trump, they've abandoned all ethics, all sense of balance. The public sees it and the trust in the media continues to plummet. They've set the tone on how they are going to cover Trump's Presidency and administration, all out attack and innuendo.
There is one big problem for the MSM, they are still trying to be nastier than Trump, not having learned the lesson that being super vile and nasty toward Trump only makes him stronger, or appear stronger.
They still haven' got over the fact that their "anointed one" Hillary lost an election rigged in her favor by all the MSM and pollsters. In a way, the left believes that it's manifest destiny for them to rule. The problem with that belief set is that history has a way of crushing Hubris into dust.
It's going to be a really painful 4 years for the MSM as they come face to face on the changing of the guard, the old MSM is thrashing about trying to delay the inevitable rise of news sources and websites that suck the profit and readers from them. They went all in for Hillary and now they find themselves on the wrong side of history.
I won't shed a tear if major news papers go tits up, or bankrupt. I'll hoist a tumbler of single malt to toast their demise.