You can't make this shit up.......Here we have Elizabeth (she who speaks with forked tounge) Warren SHOCKED that appears the nomination was rigged by Hilary.........Now this only took her a YEAR to realize .When Julian Assange and Wikileaks was rubbing their noses in it a year ago it was a lie..a dirty Russian lie, but TODAY it's the truth.....and why do they believe it to be true now.....because one of the major co-conspirators admits it.....a lying whore Donna Brazil trys and pretends she is some kind of whistleblower........I don't know about y'all, but it is inconcievable to me and not very likely, that Warren herself didn't know all the time Hilary stole the nomination...So the DNC ..seeing uranium one scandal on the horizon decides to throw Hilary under the bus, Hilary's teflon coating has finally started to peel off and the parasites like Warren are cannabalizing the Host organisim....Because there is no possible way Hilary could have pulled this crap off without the total cooperation of the highest ranking Democrats in congress and the White house.....the DNC is like a rat awash on a crate watching the ship it once captained go down into the watery depths....vowing to rise like a phoniex based on the stewardship of the same guttersnipes who sank them....It's better than SNL skit......
So, we have the propognda mills in Hollywood and even the media taking one blow after the other over these sex me it seems as if the bloodletting there is a shot across the bow of our political class warning them that they are the next ones to be exposed and ruined...we have Hilary being publicly crucified for the sins of the whole DNC, a scapegoat for the Empire.......folks something is up..... some force is moving behind the scenes directing this takedown..I don't believe in coincidence.