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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You are right though I should have just posted the tentative list of CEOs stepping down recently.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
and why do you think they are stepping down....satanic globalsit pedo ring...threatened with exposure?
Speculation not confirmation at this point, but you are on the right wave but it is possible there is a range of frequencies.

There was a demand to Q that there be more transparency in draining swamp. In Response Q pointed out Eric Smidt CEO of Google was stepping down asked if coincidence and asked if anyone noticed any others recently stepping down.

This is list the anons are researching & throwing together for confirmation by Q which will confirm them by numbers who was leaving in a less than normal manner. There are innocents in it I'm sure as plug for swamp was only pulled not all that long ago. Nature of offenses are unknown & doubt there will be a distinction of that in the confirmation when & if it happens.

Does seem to curiously be a recent rash of CEOs running for cover though & I for one do not believe this is a coincidence. The swamp runs deep & cash is king.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Speculation not confirmation at this point, but you are on the right range but it is possible there is a range of frequencies.

There was a demand to Q that there be more transparency in draining swamp. In Response Q pointed out Eric Smidt CEO of Google was stepping down asked if coincidence and asked if anyone noticed any others recently stepping down.

This is list the anons are researching & throwing together for confirmation by Q which will confirm them by numbers who was leaving in a less than normal manner. There are innocents in it I'm sure as plug for swamp was only pulled not all that long ago. Nature of offenses are unknown & doubt there will be a distinction of that in the confirmation when & if it happens.

Does seem to curiously be a recent rash of CEOs running for cover though & I for one do not believe this is a coincidence.
as someone who does not take that much of an interest in the comings and goings of CEOs I'm not sure I would know if there has been a rash of CEOs resigning......there does seem to be a rash of political elite retiring or resigning though.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Alabama Finds No Voter Fraud After Probe of TV Interview

Starting to wonder if Trump has forsaken Roy Moore's election integrity to get tax reform.

Hopefully they are just playing it cool to nail the Alabama election commissioner in collusion / corruption in his "investigation" of the video allegations, but things ain't looking good for ol Roy at this point.

You will never convince me the establishment didn't cheat in Alabama. Can't believe Trump would ever let it pass by unchallenged.
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You will never convince me the establishment didn't cheat in Alabama. Can't believe Trump would ever let it pass by unchallenged.

They did cheat, but it was very much out in the open.

Have you heard any more about sexual assault? No, because it doesn't matter anymore. Mission accomplished.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They did cheat, but it was very much out in the open.

Have you heard any more about sexual assault? No, because it doesn't matter anymore. Mission accomplished.
Yeah it is amazing how you never hear a peep out of them again after the day after the election. It was such obvious bullshit. No way it swayed the outcome - If anything that whole thing gave Roy more votes in Alabama. Not a doubt in my mind it backfired on Jones.

They resorted to outright fraud to steal it. Now we just need to prove it and no in in Alabama seems to be calling for a recount.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Distilled list of CEOs
I'm still a little fuzzy on what this means and why it's significant.

Also, a couple days ago, this Q fella(?) posted that 'assets in this country had been seized in the early am hours, pursuant to the EO.

But if that were true... by now, at least some news sites would have reported it.
It would be huuge news if Trump had really seized any foreign owned assets. NO possible way that could be kept quiet.

I'm dyin to see these as credible but so far (in my few weeks Pat experience w/ chan)
the ones I've read and remember have not panned out to be true from what I've seen....
I wanna believe!!! :gaah:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm still a little fuzzy on what this means and why it's significant.

Also, a couple days ago, this Q fella(?) posted that 'assets in this country had been seized in the early am hours, pursuant to the EO.

But if that were true... by now, at least some news sites would have reported it.
It would be huuge news if Trump had really seized any foreign owned assets. NO possible way that could be kept quiet.

I'm dyin to see these as credible but so far (in my few weeks Pat experience w/ chan)
the ones I've read and remember have not panned out to be true from what I've seen....
I wanna believe!!! :gaah:
Q drops info in cryptic future incomplete format that you understand later. He is one saying to research the ceos & confirmed that list & told CBTS to keep it updated as more fall. They have not publicly played out but there are numerous confirmation signs that have occurred that it is quite probably genuine (sealed Federal Indictments, Ankle Monitors/Boots, cryptic confirmations in Trump Tweets & hidden messages in his speeches)
Here are just some of the Q proofs:

MegAnon (the second pictured quote) had been dropping info on pol since Kim Dot Com's MEGA Seth Rich revelations regularly & was responsible for the other drop about the EO & freezing of assets on the EO's annex list. If she says assets of the individuals on that list were frozen I'm fairly certain they were but you have to realize these are powerful swamp creatures and the Swamp has no vested interest in advertising to the public that they are indeed under severe attack. If you read the list of names on the Annex list, it was only a few very obscure names so I can see it going unreported. Don't think they have yet used that EO to freeze all assets across board for all of the swamp being drained yet to keep it under wraps but that is clearly it's intent. Right now those under indictment are informed but are under gag orders lest their crime become public knowledge & I doubt that will hold for long if you seized all their assets during the holidays. Here is a consolidation of Meganon's postings

MegAnon has stated she thinks Q is a hoax being perpetrated as disinformation by very knowledgeable individuals not connected with the administration. (of course that would be exactly what the administration would want out there until they are ready to go public).

There is a concerted MSM effort beginning to discredit Qanon right now as well which is very telling.

I want to believe both leakers are legitimately an attempt by the administration to show the people who elected him that he works for them & has not turned keeping them abreast of his behind the scenes efforts on their behalf but without more concrete info it is tough to say for sure. Right now the most clear and telling confirmation we will see is what develops after Christmas around Roy Moore & Alabama Election Fraud. If Roy Moore wins a recount & proves to have won I'll be a believer.

The patriot truther movement/resistance was born & coordinated on these boards so it is not out of the question that Trump would use them for this purpose under the radar.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah it is amazing how you never hear a peep out of them again after the day after the election. It was such obvious bullshit. No way it swayed the outcome - If anything that whole thing gave Roy more votes in Alabama. Not a doubt in my mind it backfired on Jones.

They resorted to outright fraud to steal it. Now we just need to prove it and no in in Alabama seems to be calling for a recount.
Your right..... the scandal did give Moore SOME votes..... Is WHY He only last by the small margin he did.. Fact Is Jones gained more than Moore.... and Moore lost more vote than Jones. .. scandal swung the vote by about 5 points..... MOORE was a bad candidate and was very close too loosing without the allegations.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Your right..... the scandal did give Moore SOME votes..... Is WHY He only last by the small margin he did.. Fact Is Jones gained more than Moore.... and Moore lost more vote than Jones. .. scandal swung the vote by about 5 points..... MOORE was a bad candidate and was very close too loosing without the allegations.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
I don't think it was that tight at all. I think Moore had a very comfortable 10% margin going in and probably picked up at least another 3% - 8% over that from the scandal.

You will never convince me that more Dems voted for Jones in many districts than had voted for Obama either time at the same time that Moore drew only about 50% of the Republican vote that either Trump or Sessions got in previous elections. No way that such a perfect storm for Jones happened in such a high profile and controversial election. Turnout was not that low. Fraud was rampant and severe under-counts were reported in historically Red districts making Mitch McConnell & Establishment Republicans in those districts guilty of the greatest amount of fraud.

You don't have to look any further than the Alabama Supreme Court decision in the 11th hour saying voter machine disk images need not be preserved to know it was dirty as hell.
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