He has already done more than I thought possible & I'd really like to see him be able do it right. I'm hoping Trump will stick your head down the rabbit hole soon enough whether you like it or not.Trump may still do great things and some things I disagree with.
But he always was just a step in the right direction. We have to keep moving after Trump too.
Until we can foster trust in election integrity by eliminating all campaign contributions across the board by supplying both candidates equally limited government backed resources, military transport, use of public venues for speeches and structured television time donated by licensed mainstream media, restore the rule of law equally applied, & generate tax revenue not from the people but by mandated a transaction tax on trades in the financial system we are dead in the water as the swamp will only fill again once the swamp is allowed to survive him. We have to maintain momentum he has created & clean it now even if it does come to creatures hanging from any available lamp post, bridge, & traffic light in DC.
I'd prefer to do it Trump's way, but if the swamp insists on making it harder, we the people will accommodate them.
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