It is all an act. Trump & Bannon are playing the swamp. I have heard Democrats coming out to support Bannon against Trump - never thought I'd see the day. Kind of funny but it is all theater. Just look at Alex Jones and Rodger Stone jumping in on it with both feet today to stir the pot. Bannon is reportedly positioning to wind up with control of Fox News & he cannot do that when he is besties with Trump. Supposedly many of their personalities past & present are secretly in on the arrangement behind the scenes including Bill O'Riley and Eric Bolling who both reportedly left Fox under manufactured & shrouded scandals just to break their contracts with the network (possibly to avoid being vilified & pilloried during the planned Weinstein purge for ancient indiscretions). That tidbit seemed very odd to me, but who am I to question?
Trump & Bannon are cuing up to destroy the unhinged and corrupt media now. During Trump's Fake News awards speech on Monday he supposedly will utterly destroy many of the corrupt for what they are and point out how they colluded with, accepted payments from, aided & abetted many of Hillary's crimes. Networks will be under severe scrutiny as a result for multiple violations of their operating licenses and some will be sold off as a result.
At least that is the scuttlebutt.... I also think it is disinformation as I have also heard that Very powerful Democrat Senators & Orgainizations were trying to interfere with the AT&T merger to make it possible for Sorros to split off & acquire ownership of CNN so they can continue a proud legacy of shaping young minds with Very Fake News long into the future.
Since DJT's Executive Order freezing the assets of foreign entities working against the interests of the USA applies to George Sorros and he is reported to currently reside in a "very special place", something tells me that Fox News will not be the network Bannon is lining up on to control. I think I'd be on fairly strong ground in believing the network last in ratings, with the worst reputation for integrity, that is guilty of several crimes, and whose buyer suddenly found himself short of funds would be the best investment opportunity for Bannon to actually be lining up on. That is just a guess though, but it jives with the need for the other personalities to be seeking to break their contracts with Fox News a lot better. Sounds a lot like I.T. doesn't it? Guess leveraged buyout would be a better term.
Certainly helps explain all the Q Anon drops, confusion, disinformation, twitter storms, etc. designed to confuse & rattle the swamp, keep these powerful Democrats & their organizations looking over their shoulders, muddy the waters, and divert the attention of the swamp away from this little happening by dangling another in it's place.