I was pretty shocked by Trump's weight. Not that it matters to me, just found it incredible that a guy of that height and girth weighs so little. I've put on a few pounds, last time I checked my weight though I was wearing jeans with a 34" waist and was tipping the scales around 188lbs. I'm also nowhere near 6'3. I would have ventured a guess closer to 300lbs.
Found it funny though what great health he's in and coming from a subjective source such as the Rear Admiral and not a private doctor chum. Given he passed the cognitive test so easily I think he should pull a move from the libtard playbook. Pulosi, Waters and others should now have one done. Trump showed them his, their turn.
Not a bad idea for all high ranking government officials really especially given their ages. Nothing against old people, just a fact of life that faculties diminish at varying rates over time. They constantly test and check other folks with critical jobs like pilots. Is being a congressman, SC justice or other high level staff not a critical job? Testing may clean more house than anything else.
Bader-ginsberg comes to mind, it should be simple. If you nod off and can't avoid napping during hearings or meetings, go home and nap. Watch some Murder She Wrote or some shit. You can't stay in class if you can't stay awake. I was always told in school 'wake up! no job is going to let you sleep' - along comes SCOTUS, "hold my beer".