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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This was a great article..and reflects the Mexican view of the US. and the American people....The US is some kind of Disneyland theme park , or a prositute who they slapped around a little too roughly....where their is no repercussions for breaking the law....."Hey I guys I got a little out of hand with a 7 year old,my bad... but I'm cool now, can I go on the Magic Moutain ride again....after all I'm entitled to raping a few 7 year olds since your Yanqui imperalisim made me what I am.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Again...Uhmm, when I read PV's post I almost posted youtube video of Quang Duc,
a Vietnamese Buddhis monk who I remember watching pour gasoline on himself and self immolate way back
but figured Smokie would delete it..
Here is that story:ích_Quảng_Đức

Merci Monsieur! Downloaded! :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

The new disclosures come in response to a motion Manafort's lawyers filed asking to have the criminal charges pending against him thrown out.

Mueller’s Team RATS OUT Rod: CONFESSES Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort; Manafort’s Lawyers Seeking Dismissal

So Rod authorized Mueller to investigate Manafort for crimes that Rod himself exonerated Manafort of years previously just to pressure him to turn on Trump.
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Diamond Contributor
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

So, nobody talks about this but at the time Manafort was working in Ukraine, the US/EU was trying to flip Ukraine into joining the EU.

It's complete conjecture on my part as I was not privy to the goings on but given that the "Pro Russian President"(that Manafort was working with) came very close to joining the EU, I suspect Manafort had State Dept influence on his work in Ukraine to flip the President. Then he(Ukraine) changed his mind and took a Russian bailout of Ukraine rather than a EU bailout. That's what started the "protests" that led to the war in Ukraine.

The reason Manafort was not charged with anything at the time, because the US knew everything that was going on in Ukraine, is because Manafort was influencing the Ukraine President to flip towards the EU. Otherwise, they would have hung Manafort by the balls for his work there. At the very least, I believe Manafort had informed the US deep state that he thought he could get the President to flip to the EU. The Ukraine President pulled out of the EU agreement at the last minute. Except for Manafort's efforts, this is all public knowledge.

The only reason they are trying to take him down now, was his help getting Trump elected. They knew what he was doing then and didn't care. If they didn't care then, it can only be that he was trying(or said he was) to flip the Ukraine President. They would have hung him by the balls otherwise because they lost part of Ukraine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, nobody talks about this but at the time Manafort was working in Ukraine, the US/EU was trying to flip Ukraine into joining the EU.

It's complete conjecture on my part as I was not privy to the goings on but given that the "Pro Russian President"(that Manafort was working with) came very close to joining the EU, I suspect Manafort had State Dept influence on his work in Ukraine to flip the President. Then he(Ukraine) changed his mind and took a Russian bailout of Ukraine rather than a EU bailout. That's what started the "protests" that led to the war in Ukraine.

The reason Manafort was not charged with anything at the time, because the US knew everything that was going on in Ukraine, is because Manafort was influencing the Ukraine President to flip towards the EU. Otherwise, they would have hung Manafort by the balls for his work there. At the very least, I believe Manafort had informed the US deep state that he thought he could get the President to flip to the EU. The Ukraine President pulled out of the EU agreement at the last minute. Except for Manafort's efforts, this is all public knowledge.

The only reason they are trying to take him down now, was his help getting Trump elected. They knew what he was doing then and didn't care. If they didn't care then, it can only be that he was trying(or said he was) to flip the Ukraine President. They would have hung him by the balls otherwise because they lost part of Ukraine.
The Podestas were up to their necks in it all as well at the time weren't they? Manafort did nothing they did not also do to the same ends as they were working both sides to sway the results.

Seemed like Manafort while making a certain amount, also had "expenses" involved in the effort that offset the earnings and paid a certain amount on what he repatriated as per an agreement with Rod R. where he was exonerated years before.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Podestas were up to their necks in it all as well at the time weren't they? Manafort did nothing they did not also do to the same ends as they were working both sides to sway the results.

Seemed like Manafort while making a certain amount, also had "expenses" involved in the effort that offset the earnings and paid a certain amount on what he repatriated as per an agreement with Rod R. where he was exonerated years before.

Yup. The Posesta's were also in on it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, nobody talks about this but at the time Manafort was working in Ukraine, the US/EU was trying to flip Ukraine into joining the EU.

It's complete conjecture on my part as I was not privy to the goings on but given that the "Pro Russian President"(that Manafort was working with) came very close to joining the EU, I suspect Manafort had State Dept influence on his work in Ukraine to flip the President. Then he(Ukraine) changed his mind and took a Russian bailout of Ukraine rather than a EU bailout. That's what started the "protests" that led to the war in Ukraine.

The reason Manafort was not charged with anything at the time, because the US knew everything that was going on in Ukraine, is because Manafort was influencing the Ukraine President to flip towards the EU. Otherwise, they would have hung Manafort by the balls for his work there. At the very least, I believe Manafort had informed the US deep state that he thought he could get the President to flip to the EU. The Ukraine President pulled out of the EU agreement at the last minute. Except for Manafort's efforts, this is all public knowledge.

The only reason they are trying to take him down now, was his help getting Trump elected. They knew what he was doing then and didn't care. If they didn't care then, it can only be that he was trying(or said he was) to flip the Ukraine President. They would have hung him by the balls otherwise because they lost part of Ukraine.
@Time you are getting suspicously close to being a conspiracy theorist.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

In a recent interview when asked to clarify something she said about a "geopolitical" issue
the dufus replied, "Well, I THINK I MEANT..blah, blah.." She thinks she meant..
If she isn't sure what she means when she says it how can anybody else be sure of what it is she represents?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In a recent interview when asked to clarify something she said about a "geopolitical" issue
the dufus replied, "Well, I THINK I MEANT..blah, blah.." She thinks she meant..
If she isn't sure what she means when she says it how can anybody else be sure of what it is she represents?
Saw that Palestine clip she was clarifying...She said she knew nothing about it really, then went on & on about what she felt it was about without really having a clue....just digging the hole deeper & deeper. Not the only time she has done it.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Saw that Palestine clip she was clarifying...She said she knew nothing about it really, then went on & on about what she felt it was about without really having a clue....just digging the hole deeper & deeper. Not the only time she has done it.

I changed the channel as soon as she said "I think I meant"
Then I saw on FB where somebody edited reactions of disbelief from the crew from Star Trek
as reaction to her "I think I meant" so I know I'm not the only cynic..

Somebody else mentioned her fiery enthusiasm. Bullshit! She stupid that's all.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I changed the channel as soon as she said "I think I meant"
Then I saw on FB where somebody edited reactions of disbelief from the crew from Star Trek
as reaction to her "I think I meant" so I know I'm not the only cynic..

Somebody else mentioned her fiery enthusiasm. Bullshit! She stupid that's all.
Seems to be a Democrat Prerequisite these days. Sadly Pelosi & Schumer seem to be the brain trust of the Dems these days now that Franken's Folly has run its course. As much as I hated him for being pompus, at least he was sharp & kind of amusing on occasion if a bit whiny.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think a couple weekends in me basement could turn the wayward girl around... :)
At least it would give her a reason for those eyes to be wide open huh? If that ain't a Deep State MK sex slave programming look she has going on there I don't know what is. Schumer must be getting bored on the hill to pull her out of her NY dungeon & try to put her on the DC stage.

He's thinking about her curtain calls, ain't he? :vino:
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Seems to be a Democrat Prerequisite these days. Sadly Pelosi & Schumer seem to be the brain trust of the Dems these days now that Franken's Folly has run its course. As much as I hated him for being pompus, at least he was sharp & kind of amusing on occasion if a bit whiny.
Al Franken was and I imagine still is a comic, not a statesman or even a politician.
While IMHO most politicians are comical in their pomposity Alexandria is only comical because of her stupidity and the fact that she looks much like a clown.
Ocasio-Cortez has no platform. The Medicare for all she espouses she stole from Bernie Sanders.
According to the Washington Examiner Ms Ocasio-Cortez actually thinks: “When this country started, we did not operate on a capitalist economy.”
Perhaps she needs to be introduced to Adam Smith and the fact that the Founders damn near idolized him.

While a platform in support of universal healthcare might attract this writer,
it would concern me greatly if said support did not explain how universal healthcare would be paid for.
A recent Mercatus report projected that Medicare for All would cost $32.6 trillion over 10 years...
This would be fine if we didn't have to play policeman to the world and the latter didn't cost US a yearly $523.9 billion give or take..but it does.

The only way we could afford universal healthcare is if Ms Ocasio-Cortez figured a way of imposing peace and love on the rest of the world..
but as she herself has stated "geopolitics" is not her forté.
Her ignorance of geopolitics and economics is interesting when one considers Alexandria graduated fourth in her class from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in economics and international relations.
Pardon my cynicism but I suspect she earned her degree at Boston University in the same manner that
she won the Democratic primary in New York's 14th congressional district...sucking dicks and eating pussy...or something.

Perhaps it is telling that Aljazeera has said: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the future of US politics", and
"Young, bold and uncompromisingly progressive leaders like Ocasio-Cortez represent the last chance for a nation derailed."
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Federal prosecutors said to be investigating lobbyist Tony Podesta after special counsel referral
  • Federal prosecutors in New York are following a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller's office, NBC News reports.
  • The individuals being investigated include former lobbyist Tony Podesta, former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and former Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig.

Mueller refers Hillary's former campaign manager and two other powerful Washington figures to prosecutors over 'illegal lobbying for pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians'

Corrupt and Criminal Mueller Team Gives Tony Podesta Immunity Then Refers His Name to Southern District NY in PR Scam
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Too Funny - Q is mainstream now!

Great hit job by MSM. This will not end well.

350 million people world wide are now aware of the Q phenomena. Well Done!
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Few realize the eventual implications of outlawing plastic straws.
This is the first step in a nefarious plan to declare the 2nd Amendment null and void
and to confiscate not only guns but anything that might be used as a weapon
by disenchanted, disenfranchised, hungry citizens.

See for yourself:

dangerous primitive weapons able to shoot projectiles

dangerous primitive weapons able to shoot projectiles.
rubber bands and condoms are next
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