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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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McConnell: ‘The Case Is Closed’ and ‘I Understand’ Trump’s Frustration with Don Jr. Subpoena – It Will ‘Have a Happy Ending’

Might be around to post today, might not. Lost power and internet last night from storms and some nasty shit headed my way today too so will see :p
Understood, good luck sorting it all out! Something to be said for NG standby generators when it is a bit nippy outside.


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No way these people were on that plane that ended up in the water & it didn't leak out & make the news

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Students walk out of Colorado school shooting vigil, saying their trauma was being politicized

This should scare the holy hell out of the Democrat party. This is Colorado, a deep blue state full of Hollywood liberals and the kids walked out on the Democrats anti gun rally and later a few returned and stated they will not be used like this. This screams of how the Democrats have lost their hold on the middle class and they are turning on them.


Diamond Contributor
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What the hell is this?
Some asshole on twitter circulating a 4 chan post saying those people were on the Gitmo plane that skidded off the runway into the water. Not buying that one myself. No way they got away without it making the news if that was the case. The attachment looks like a small portion of an update of a list I saw a while back on Greg Rubini's twitter back in January of sealed indictments that were anticipated to be unsealed in may/june.
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Diamond Contributor
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If I had a son I swear to God I wouldn't send him to public school...if he chews his bologna sandwich into the shape of a gun they'll tell him he is a mass murderer, if he kisses a little girls they'll call the cops on him for sexual assult, he he has gas they'll tell him he's a tans, and if God forbid he is White, they'll dress him up in a hijab and have him recite Islamic prayers one day, and put him in chains and auction him off in a mock slave market the know damn well if that kid had been Black or a muslim that teacher wouldn't have dared pulled that shit.


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If I had a son I swear to God I wouldn't send him to public school...if he chews his bologna sandwich into the shape of a gun they'll tell him he is a mass murderer, if he kisses a little girls they'll call the cops on him for sexual assult, he he has gas they'll tell him he's a tans, and if God forbid he is White, they'll dress him up in a hijab and have him recite Islamic prayers one day, and put him in chains and auction him off in a mock slave market the know damn well if that kid had been Black or a muslim that teacher wouldn't have dared pulled that shit.

Its appalling she would do that to any kid. These liberals are out of control and the insanity is getting worse. You can not tell me a 5 year old has a clue what the fuck gender even is let alone if he or she wants to be what ever. Yet these idiot parents are giving them drugs to change them into what the parent idnetifies the kids as and its pure and simple child abuse yet these wack jobs are so far out of control that you cant do a damn thing to save the kids from this lunacy because someone might become offended and god forbid that happens. Fuck!
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