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Kanger K-Box

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@VapeSuperSaver maybe you could get some one (whoever did your site design) to put in a color selection option on the page for the o-rings. Thanks just a suggestion.


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Okay, I'll for a pair of minis and two boxes of coils, order 945. Been dripping exclusively for almost a year, will be interesting to get back into the tank game...


VU Donator
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Been watching this thread, already had a subtank mini coming from a group buy (more expensive than this site) thought if I liked it would buy another from @VapeSuperSaver especially at this price with free shipping ;)

Well I have been enjoying using the mini subtank in RBA mode with no leaking and dry hits, but looks like I waited to long, still have mini's in stock, but wanted the oring set too, but I can't find it, so I am guessing they are sold out :(


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Just noticed this thread following Nailz sir. I like your story and focus sir. Signed up on your site and while I do not currently use any Kanger products that may change. It wouldn't be the first time I talked myself into buying something after reading my friend Nailz share his experience. Good luck sir! Enjoy the day!:cool:


Bronze Contributor
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Been watching this thread, already had a subtank mini coming from a group buy (more expensive than this site) thought if I liked it would buy another from @VapeSuperSaver especially at this price with free shipping ;)

Well I have been enjoying using the mini subtank in RBA mode with no leaking and dry hits, but looks like I waited to long, still have mini's in stock, but wanted the oring set too, but I can't find it, so I am guessing they are sold out :(

Hang in there. What's out of stock one day, is in stock the next day. At least that's been my experience.


VU Donator
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Do you have more minis on the way?

I hope have the minis and orings coming together, I held off on the mini as want the orings too, my other subtank mini came with black orings as spares, and could live with that, but didn't want to risk buying the mini last night, in case it only had red orings.


Platinum Contributor
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I hope have the minis and orings coming together, I held off on the mini as want the orings too, my other subtank mini came with black orings as spares, and could live with that, but didn't want to risk buying the mini last night, in case it only had red orings.

The one that came from them last week had both - red and black!


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Excellent shipping! I placed my order Friday afternoon and it was waiting for me when I got home from work today. So far I'm enjoying the mini, has quite a bit more airflow then my nautilus mini (both on the lowest setting) slightly annoying for me as I was looking for a tank with an RBA deck that would be comfortable doing mouth to lung inhales. This has just a bit too much airflow for that. But other than that its excellent, I've found the deck to be very easy to build on and I'm getting no dry hits. Excellent vapor, flavor and to top it off excellent seller. I'll be coming back.

Now just to find something to be able to use all my 12mg/ml juice in without having to buy more coils lol.


VU Donator
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Excellent shipping! I placed my order Friday afternoon and it was waiting for me when I got home from work today. So far I'm enjoying the mini, has quite a bit more airflow then my nautilus mini (both on the lowest setting) slightly annoying for me as I was looking for a tank with an RBA deck that would be comfortable doing mouth to lung inhales. This has just a bit too much airflow for that. But other than that its excellent, I've found the deck to be very easy to build on and I'm getting no dry hits. Excellent vapor, flavor and to top it off excellent seller. I'll be coming back.

Now just to find something to be able to use all my 12mg/ml juice in without having to buy more coils lol.

I do mouth to lung hits with mine and I have it on the 2nd airflow settings, but you can close the 1 hole off more if want less airflow.


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I think he's waiting for another shipment - at least I hope so!

Another 200 coming in very soon. I should have an ETA on those today. CNY put a crimp in the ordering/shipping process. It should be more consistent very soon.

I have my supplier checking into more o-rings. They received a limited number and had to make sure they spread them out. Now that Kanger is back from holiday running running at full capacity, I'm hoping the wait is short.

There will also be a couple of announcements coming soon. Thanks to the support, I've been able to branch out a little further. Details soon!

I'm glad everyone is enjoying the minis so far. Looks like Kanger hit a home run with these!


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If anyone is looking for bling, it appears Bedazzled is working on subtank mini glass replacements coming soon.
Spectrum tanks seems to have full size only at this time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wanna say, this vendor goes the whole 9 yards, I will send anyone that wants good CS good prices and good product to them any day, I ordered a Subtank and coils but forgot to add orings to the order, this guy went out of his way to send a separate order for the orings out to me. Both arrived in just days. Shout out kudo's to this vendor!! Top notch.

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VU Donator
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Please let me know how the tank fares for a dripper.
In short: very, very impressive. I'm getting about 80% of the vapor at 25w as I was getting at 55w on a simple dual coil 0.4 ohm Mutation Xv3 build, flavor is great. Everything came very impressively packaged and wrapped (it's been a while since I've bought an authentic anything), though I was thinking for some reason the new tanks were coming with black and red o-rings mine had two sets of red - not really a big deal either way, the tank looks just as sharp as all the pics I've seen and works as well as everyone else tends to rave on about. Only gripe is the drip tip is getting bit hot and seems small compared to the chuff caps I've been using - will likely sub it for one of my longer wide bore tips soon. My wife even pulled out the Sig 100 she'd previously only shown passing interest in and is happily vaping away - time will tell if her mechs become the same paperweights mine have been the last few months.

Also, a tremendous amount of kudos is in order for VapeSuperSaver - literally four days, one of them a Sunday, from order to delivery. Combine that killer customer service (not to mention the frequent updates here on VU with regard to stocking issues) with very competitive prices (as in on par with or a buck or two more than China) and free shipping, and if I ever have need for another product VapeSuperSaver sells, they'll be my first stop.


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Any updates on the subtank v2?

Here is the new poster. Looking like 7.5ml capacity, "newest designed airflow system", and no more disassembling the chimney to swap out the RBA. Retail at $49.99. I do not have cost on these yet, but I'm sure we can do better than that!

Whiskey said:
I wanna say, this vendor goes the whole 9 yards, I will send anyone that wants good CS good prices and good product to them any day,

You are too kind, but I'll take it! :D

OBDave said:
though I was thinking for some reason the new tanks were coming with black and red o-rings mine had two sets of red

Let me apologize for that. The newest versions are supposed to have one set of red and one set of black. If you would kindly remind me in a few weeks, I'll get a set of black ones out to you. There appears to be a massive shortage of o-rings in China right now. It'll take a few weeks to get some in stock, but please remind me, and I'll get them out to you.

OBDave said:
(not to mention the frequent updates here on VU with regard to stocking issues)

Speaking of which.....I'm hoping to see 50 more Minis by Tuesday, and hundreds more by the end of next week. Don't hold me to those exact dates, but it should be very close. Once the Subtank Plus (V2) is available, I'll try to grab those although they may be limited quantities to start. The K-Box should be in soon.

There might be another product or two that will be available that may be of interest. They're still at least a week out, so I don't want to "tip my hand" too soon.

I'm loving the reviews. You guys are awesome. The feedback is amazing too. I look forward to growing and I won't forget the support I've gotten here. Sincerely, Thank you!


VU Donator
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If you would kindly remind me in a few weeks, I'll get a set of black ones out to you.
I could honestly care less, but not much less, about my o-ring color. I've got a set, and a backup set, so consider me a hog in mud. The offer is much appreciated, though!


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Here is the new poster. Looking like 7.5ml capacity, "newest designed airflow system", and no more disassembling the chimney to swap out the RBA. Retail at $49.99. I do not have cost on these yet, but I'm sure we can do better than that!

Thanks for the fast reply! I'll be patiently waiting:D


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Forgot to ask. You have a date for the kbox yet? I know you said sometime this week.


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Whiskey, is
I wanna say, this vendor goes the whole 9 yards, I will send anyone that wants good CS good prices and good product to them any day, I ordered a Subtank and coils but forgot to add orings to the order, this guy went out of his way to send a separate order for the orings out to me. Both arrived in just days. Shout out kudo's to this vendor!! Top notch.

That the Kbox? If so, what are your thoughts on it so far? Thanks


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Whiskey, is

That the Kbox? If so, what are your thoughts on it so far? Thanks
The Kbox is awesome, vapes 10 times better than the mini Hana and I only cranked it up to 25W because my little tanks will fry (I just got the Kanger sub mini) it rocks with the ST on it
It fits in the hand really nice and not overly heavy, button placement great.


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The Kbox is awesome, vapes 10 times better than the mini Hana and I only cranked it up to 25W because my little tanks will fry (I just got the Kanger sub mini) it rocks with the ST on it
It fits in the hand really nice and not overly heavy, button placement great.
Awesome Whiskey, thanks!
Exactly what I wanted to hear, going to pick one up for the Mrs... Hell at that price I'll probably get 2 lol. Just need VSS to get some dates so he can take my money

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