Since it will only cost a few $ X 12 vs. a steady medium/large flat rate X 12 people, if everyone feels good about it we can send all of the stuff to me. I will create and update the boxes w/ inventory and rephotograph them and post the contents. Then we will give these awesome care packages away and hook up the folks for participating. Will wait until about 5PM to see if there are any objections to this deviation and if not will send everyone shipping stuff my address.
Also to keep this going to aid our troops, how about as a backup plan if we do not get any takers on the lotto we auction each box off here on VU and donate the money to a charity supporting our troop and on behalf of the VU community, those participating can collectively decide which organization(s) to donate to and we can ask a senior moderator to handle the money and make the donation so everyone feels safe about the auction and so forth . I like having a plan B and this aids the original idea + guarantees the boxes leave my possession no matter what. Open to ideas.
I will turn around and mail all of you your chubby gorilla bottles back in small packages based on your return address. I am going to get all of the teams and folks eligible for a prize together and over to
@KingPin! for safekeeping. Since we have enough prizes we now have some choices so those eligible need to speak up. We can do a drawing per team and give away a gift certificate + 1 item per team or we can do a bigger prize drawing for both gift certificates + both additional items and do it all in one run. Two smaller giveaways increase your odds, one big giveaway decreases odds but sweetens the pot. Majority rules so speak up.