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Woo Hoo, @Just Me just got post #6000 :)

Saw that over on the AU thread so asked her there. Figure I'll answer there as well so the AU folks see the responses :)
And congrats @kelli :) Just have a sharp pair of scissors on you when it is time to open the package, Watch's juice comes very well protected ;)


Just Thomas
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Imi kelli won today she would like input on what to get

Mellow Melange was delicious, I am defiantly getting more of that one . It's sweet, taste cinnamon, chocolate, maybe orange, I don't no, it's yummy


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Hi all, looks like I missed out, phooey. Glad to see so many more here! Congrats to the winners, you will love most any of the VW flavors!
Hi Miss, may I have this dance?


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Vapeon I love your stuff Can you please give that to @Tripster ?? Unfortunatly he is Ill and can not be here
You're too kind and much appreciated, you made my night!
Absolutely. :) Awww... I hope it's not anything serious!
I am doing better, just had to detox myself from an antibiotic that was giving me horrible side effects.

Just Me

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You're too kind and much appreciated, you made my night!

I am doing better, just had to detox myself from an antibiotic that was giving me horrible side effects.
Gratz Trip!! If you have questions on flavors you can ask just about any of us in the room!!


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What is that little squeaky sound I just heard coming from the corner?


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Having a rough day I am starting to see some juice is bad even after steeping
Been there. Shrtly after I started vaping I was watching a show on and they were raving about and the owner was in chat and offered up a 50% off coupon. Got a bunch and they were all unvapable


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Hi, Just Me. Where did everyone go? Guess I'd better go finish the laundry. Hate doing it but I love fresh clean clothes, lol.


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All the prizes are gone me thinks no juice no talk or something rather odd

Sent from Hell


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Lol! But it's not my fault. Mom lives with us, she's the gardener. At 84, I can't let her do all the heavy stuff. Up to me? Let the lawnmower take care of it :rolleyes::D


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Lol! But it's not my fault. Mom lives with us, she's the gardener. At 84, I can't let her do all the heavy stuff. Up to me? Let the lawnmower take care of it :rolleyes::D
Awe... now your just a sick sweetie :D

Or a sicko by association :)


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So how's everyone in this sunny 25 degree Michigan day lol


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85 in SoCal, can't complain


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We hit 60 a week ago and everyone thought summer was here. Then snowed yesterday


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Be careful, she's watching! Lol.


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I haven't been getting notification for new posts:confused: Plus I've been busy at work fixing stuff and installing new equipment.


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Just sitting with the daughter watching tangled


Vapid Vapetress
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anybody ready for some hoops?


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A hula hoop is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck. The modern hula hoop was invented in 1958 by Arthur K. "Spud" Melin and Richard Knerr


Vapid Vapetress
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A hula hoop is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck. The modern hula hoop was invented in 1958 by Arthur K. "Spud" Melin and Richard Knerr
thank you mr. google :)


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Hasn't been too much going on today
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